
CV-19 Is The Great Unifier, A Tiny Transformational Tool

This Virus is clearly a Divinely Designed Teeny Tiny Transformational Tool coming courtesy of Mother Nature, the Global Pandemic it caused is only the beginning. In an instant it brought things back to reality, set our priorities straight and reminded us of the truth in all matters. It is no mistake that the only way for us to really, truly live in harmony with this new companion, is by, first and foremost sacrificing and taking care of each another.

That it takes a unified front to meet it successfully, is by divine design.

This has brought the world together (with a few notable exceptions) In a truly beautiful exchange of information, resources and combined effort, the world has joined forces to solve this problem as never before. Entire nations have come together, showing how little beliefs, skin color and customs truly divide and separate us. It has made the world have to take notice of the massive effect human behavior is having on our planet and how much we can do to shift it, especially right now. A common enemy can do that, especially this teeny tiny one.

That masks are the only way to control the spread and protect the other not ourselves is so beautiful and divinely designed. I believe that even more than the reduction of snot and spit droplets, the clear communication that we are here for each other… That we care about each other… That we are indeed unified… confirms our connection and so boosts our immune systems and resistance to dis-ease. This is the real reasons masks are so successful at stopping the spread, everywhere they are worn. When we lock eyes over our masks it is the most beautiful thing to know that we are wearing it for each other. What could be more unifying than that?! Like all things divinely designed it is so simple and effective, I can think of nothing else to express unity so definitely, clearly and safely as this.

2019 Set The Stage

Just as we left a year like none other, with the incredible accountability and realizations of the #MeToo movement. The massive power of women and men who are their allies, finally finding their voices under so many pink hats, feeling like it really might be possible to be heard. Finally? Finally. Finally…! Watching more women become elected than ever before and more men be convicted. It was apparent that this Patriarchal System was poised to be transformed….and then Helloooo 2020!

It is not a coincidence that the countries doing the best in this effort are led by Women.

A New Year, A New Era, A New Way

Transformations, by their very nature, are births and Women are the ones who, as natural portals for that process, know how to successfully navigate that force. Whether or not they choose to exercise that capability, it is an innate power that they alone have.

This does not mean that only Women can successfully navigate this, it just means they will excel at it. Everyone has the capability, we are all an individual mix of feminine and masculine energies, so we all have the capability to navigate using either. We are ALL just way more comfortable and conditioned to operate within a Patriarchal System.

To successfully navigate the Old System...

The creation of solid plans and working hard while strictly sticking to the plans. Visualizations, affirmations, goals, expectations were really helpful. A leader led and the subordinates were obedient, supportive and serving those above them. Those below recognized, honored and respected the divinity/power/wisdom of the One

This has always been our normal, it feels comfortable, it is what we know. We desperately want to go back to this, we know how to do it and we are even good at it. It is very clear that if we do not get everything that we had, the way that we had it before, we will not survive. This is just our personal Patriarch, not wanting to let go, this is your programming not your purpose. The problem with “going back” is that it is already gone. There simply is no way to return to “how things were”, it isn’t possible.

To successfully navigate the New Paradigm

It is all about creating clear intentions while showing up with complete presence. Intuition, flow, and accountability are essential. Emotional clarity, acceptance and mastery become incredible guides and motivational tools. It is about empowering everyone to find their own passions and strengths. Encouraging individuals to support each other, recognizing the divinity in everyone/thing and that we all are (the) One

Freedom From Expectations

I think we can easily look at those that have navigated this pandemic successfully and see how this works. After assessing the risks and how best to mitigate them, everyone comes together with the clear intention of flattening the curve. Showing up with complete presence, they are ready to shift the second there is a change that requires it. You know, they “go with the flow“. Everyone is called on to do their part to protect each other, being empowered to use their strengths and gifts to support each other through the process, with clear accountability from everyone.

Often after things have fallen completely apart, we find ourselves operating in this way and end up with unexpectedly wonderful outcomes. This story is a great example of our new paradigm and how it works. In this new reality, none of the other, familiar and comfortable methods work, in fact they just end up hurting us.

Balancing Elements

In order to have balance there must always be a counter element. Light and Shadow, Birth and Death, Unification and Division, Strength and Weakness, Yin and Yang. This Teeny Tiny Tool only promises transformation, it is up to us whether we experience unification/rebirth/light/strength or if we go with the division/dark/death/weakness type, it’s clear what we have chosen so far. We have to let the Old Patriarchal Power Trip with all of it’s separateness and heirarchy go. It is time to step fully into our Divinely Feminine Empowerment with all of it’s unity and equality.

The old system has already passed, we either choose to enter the flow or we go down trying to go back…

I genuinely hope it won’t take us as long as it took me to finally let go and let God (dess), Universe, Source, Higher Self, Fate, Destiny…. because it happens whether we accept it or not. We can just choose to work with it or against it, those are our choices. Welcome to 2020 and clear vision, complete with the hindsight of history, the only way, is through. This is an opportunity to step into flow and transformation… You’ve got this. You are not alone.

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200


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