Advocacy,  Tools

Pandemic Resonance – A Tale of Caution

I get it, you are healthy and you never get sick. You are young or not so much, but you feel safe anyway… It is so obvious that all anyone has to do to be safe is just boost their immune system and keep their body, mind and spirit healthy and then they will be just fine.

It seems extreme and completely outrageous to be asked to essentially lose the life you have worked so hard to build. People choosing to not take care of themselves and buy into the fear narrative to create a reality where they are identifying with a disease and are vulnerable as a result, is not your fault. It is quite frankly, infuriating, that you are expected to sacrifice everything that you have created, achieved, manifested and saved, all because of their laziness and attachment to the stress, fear and unhealthy lifestyle choices that American’s are famous for.

Western Medicine Doctors, ESPECIALLY all of the “Government Experts” are just pill pushers that are just Big Pharma Puppets.

Benjamin Franklin's $100 Portrait covered with white and orange pills

I know that they just get kickbacks for getting their poor patient’s hooked on medication, that creates side effects needing more medication that create side effects and on and on…. Medical doctors aren’t “healers” treating or even caring about the cause of dis-ease, they only treat symptoms and they only do that in a way to hook you, not to cure you. Natural medications, that are readily available and incredibly inexpensive are chastised and any practitioner who attempts to use them is either ruined or killed.

Medical Doctors take no consideration of a patient’s lifestyle nutrition or exercise. They do not “buy into” the idea of emotions or thoughts having physical manifestations, calling the idea “woo woo”. Anything that isn’t big Pharma like homeopathy, that is used in conjunction with other treatments all over the world, is considered “fringe” here. In fact, our for profit healthcare system has birthed a very for profit approach, that is unique to the United States.

Instead of having the goal of treating people to “get better” we treat people to “make money”.

A holistic (whole body) approach is just too effective and a wholistic (body mind and spirit) is even more so. All of which results in a population that expects a ‘pill’ to ‘cure’ them and doctors that are more than happy to oblige.

We have a critical situation with antibiotics being overused, dangerously so. Our society is so accustomed to not feeling anything, they are not willing to withstand even the slightest illness or pain, even though both are just our body (mind, emotions, spirit’s) ways of communicating an imbalance, a need. Maybe to slow down, or stop, or eat different or think different… but to change or shift even is too much work and it doesn’t line any pockets and so in this country we take a pill instead.

There is a big push to inject our population with harmful and detrimental substances right away, as young children. You are forced to (as in it is illegal not to) vaccinate your children at an unbelievable rate with, really truly awful substances. We have all seen the effects on children, yours own or someone you know, while the “medical community” assures you they are safe.

The same way the FDA assures you the ‘artificial’ colors, flavors and preservatives that are used are safe… the same way the fluoride that they put in the water is good for you, (even though fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic)

You are extremely discouraged against a natural birth, strong armed with threats from society, the law or both to have your children in a hospital. Turning birth, one of the most universal, completely natural and healthy processes, into a medical one… done amongst the sick, often with your baby taken from you immediately…

I totally get it, because I used to be you.

I also knew that your thoughts become your words, which creates your actions, developing into habits, hardening to character and giving birth to destiny. Knowing that we must watch our thoughts with care because when these habits are based in fear, they become the block in our lives to access all we can be. I not only believed it, I lived it. Growing up in a household that demanded me to access the highest vibrational levels, always, to be able to achieve anything you believed possible, anything. The Course of Miracles was happening in my living room instead of television and Louis Hay was being read in leu of other holy writers…

I learned how to take responsibility for everything that happened to me, from moment one. I knew that I had “come in” to this lifetime with clear soul contracts spanning many lifetimes and even dimensions… any abuse or wrongdoing was clearly a karmic reckoning. Breaking those contracts and healing those karmic imbalances is what us “light workers” are here to do, we are doing it not only for ourselves but for the entire human race. Any dis-ease is clearly a vibrational imbalance… you see, anything that is out of alignment is clearly a misalignment in your thoughts, feelings, beings… if we are vibrating highly and in alignment with our highest self, dis-ease is not possible. Easy Peasy. Clear and Simple.

Some of the things it was imperative that I avoid, at all costs were: lower vibrations, thinking/feeling/believing/behaving anything or in any way that supports something I was not wanting to call to me or have happen in my life, anything negative – especially anything fear based, any treatment that suppresses the symptoms not addresses the source and of course anything that was Western Medicine, antibiotics most of all.

By the time I entered adulthood I was a manifestation master, able to visualize and actualize in a remarkably accurate and effective manner.

I was able to vibrate high enough to manifest my reality and enjoy all of the benefits of, basically, anything that I wanted… You see, I not only knew how to frame and leverage all of my words, thoughts, feelings and actions to work for me, I had been doing it for as long as I could remember. This gave me the ability to regularly do the seemingly impossible by overriding the physical perceptions of limitations, which I knew were complete and utter nonsense.

I understand fully that you believe it is not wise to identify with a disease and definitely not okay to talk about, think about, worry about and certainly act as if it is a threat. I completely and totally get it. By putting on a mask or staying away from those you love or anyone really especially those who are high risk, is to give into the fear and actually call it to you and those who are high risk and who you love. By wearing masks and focusing on the virus we are vibrating with the fear and with the dis-ease, actually aligning with it, vibrating at it’s level and therefore manifesting it. So by not wearing a mask you are essentially protecting yourself and those you come in contact with. I get it, really I do.

So why am I pushing “the mask” so hard? Why am I calling you selfish when I obviously understand?

I have thought long and hard about whether or not I would have not worn a mask, before I had my spiritual awakening.

What I keep coming back to is the selfishness of not wearing a mask especially with this particular belief system. If you believe that focusing on the dis-ease and aligning in fear calls the virus to you, then you would do everything to ensure those without that understanding and who are obviously “buying into” the fear are feeling as safe as possible, so as not to call this dis-ease to them. To do anything else, when you have the tools to protect yourself. makes it extra selfish.

Your mask would make those who are vulnerable feel comfortable, less fearful and focused on the virus, which is a huge win.

I would have absolutely worn a mask because I believed then (and know now) that we are all one and if any person is suffering or fearful than I am too. Knowing that I was able to take care of myself and vibrate high enough to make the mask work for me and for everyone else by using it as a tool to create a sense of security and safety… which is exactly what we need now.

I would definitely NOT have been afraid of health damage from wearing a mask and I ABSOLUTELY would never have used a bogus health problem to avoid wearing one, for I hope, very obvious reasons. Seriously, if you are feeling so confident in your ability to avoid contracting Covid-19 because you are such a LightWorker, StarSeed that you are avoiding buying into, aligning with, identifying, vibrating or acknowledging the danger, reality and threat of this virus, let alone the fear and caution around it, then surely you can do the same with any perceived negative effect a mask over your mouth and nose has. If you can manifest safety from this virus, then surely you can manifest safety while wearing a mask as well.

It is pure selfishness to not wear a mask and social distance. Nothing more. There is no excuse, reason or justification. None.

If you have compromised lungs, severe alergies or any other medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask then wear a face shield. Of course those unable to wear a mask for medical reasons would be encouraging everyone to do their part to slow the spread of something particularly dangerous to them

There is no hoax, this is not how we are exceptional in the face of this global threat… we are quickly re-defining ourselves and what it means to be American while cementing our place in the world. It is clear that our only exceptionalism is our collective inability to process scientific evidence, have empathy or compassion for others and accept any reality that we are not personally experiencing. These collective character flaws have devastating long term consequences, which we are already seeing as we far exceed the infection, death, unrest, unemployment and poverty rates of our developed neighbors… all of who are having to block our travel to their countries, so as not to infect them with our now exceptional contagion.

This feel good freedom flexing to the detriment of the health of our neighbors, businesses, communities, economy, our country… is it worth it?

Are we winning now?

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200


  • Sazi

    This method of thinking is truly intoxicating and comforting, especially when we come from these systems that are so engrained within us. It is surprisingly easy to just create a sense of control and hierarchy within ourselves so that we can feel like and claim that we are rejecting them. When our control and hierarchy are truly challenged is when we genuinely have the opportunity to fully walk away from these illusions and step into a new way of being, or cling even harder to these systems we are so engrained with…Enlightenment, ascension and true awakening is not an easy or comfortable experience… being in control by being able to manifest, vibrate, visualize and draw what you want to you and knowing you have a ‘higher’ self to help you do so, is extremely comfortable, intoxicatingly so.

  • Kasey

    Wow! I have a yoga teacher/sound healing player, with whom I have had this exact same “discussion” twice. So far no success at getting her to understand(though it probably doesn’t help that I had hit on her in the past and got turned down flat 🤦😁). I even mentioned you as one of my main reasons for wearing a mask. I will try to show her this blog, and hopefully it will help.

  • robin greenley

    Thank you, kind woman. i understand better, now, why some of our resident healers seem to act counterintuitive to logic. i suffer from that logic issue. while continuously working to align with the energies around me, it can get in my way of seeing.
    peace. take care.

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