
These Days Will Determine Our Destiny

As we enter this holiday weekend, celebrating America and what it means to be the United States, an invisible enemy rages, bringing us to our knees as a nation. This virus has killed 130,000 of our fellow Americans and infected 2.74 million with something that has the potential to reactivate at any point in the future and debilitate us further. There is no end in sight and we have already surpassed the casualties of four previous wars.

More Americans have died from coronavirus than in wars in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Source: Vietnam Veterans Memorial, US Department of Veterans Affairs, US Department of Defense

Make no mistake, this is a War. We are ALL the soldiers and as a country, we are losing miserably. By all accounts, this virus is kicking our ass and with the exception of Brazil, we are doing the ABSOLUTE WORST at fighting this common enemy WORLD WIDE.
As soldiers, what American’s can’t bring themselves to do, is wear a mask and social distance. That’s it. It is too difficult. It infringes on on our freedom too much. You know how effective it is, you’ve seen all of the studies proving it so and you have only to look to our fellow CoronaFighters in far away lands to see just how good it works. The rest of the world has had NO problem donning a mask and standing 6 feet away from each other, but as an American, you are apparently just too fragile.


 This war has crippled our economy and as we have seen in the states that defied re-opening criteria, it is going to continue to do so, with way more devastating attempts at secondary shut downs. Our frontline healthcare workers are already pushed to breaking, if we do not do our part , they might not make it through this wave and the inevitable spike in the fall and winter.

Trump Once Saw Himself As A Wartime President

This enemy has not only been allowed to enter our country but it is being invited to completely overcome us. The unofficial and unverifiable Conspiracy Theory information sources are fueling the notion of this being an overblown hoax by the:

  1. Evil Liberal Democrats Allowing them to take over, forcing socialism on everyone with socialized medicine, forced environmental regulations and getting everyone reliant on the “Government Doles” – While the Republican Governors rush to shut back down amidst hospitals being overwhelmed and when the rest of the world is experiencing the EXACT same economic impact… just with healthcare so it isn’t financially devastating like it is here.
  2. Never- Trumpers Making the President look bad by crashing the economy – Which he has supported because he can’t stand to look anything but “perfect”, even though every country in the world has experienced the exact same economic hardship, just handled way better.
  3. Bill Gates Forcing us all to get vaccinated and microchipped – Trust me, Mr Gates already has way more of our “information” than anyone would want on you.
  4. Dr Fauci Lining his pockets and the pockets of all of the “experts” at the NIH and elsewhere, who hold patents on the drugs and are Big Pharma mouthpieces. – Fauci is required to patent drugs and he donates profits.
  5. New World Order Collecting our DNA with Testing and Tracking us with our Personal Information through “Contact Tracing – You’ve already done this with 23&Me, not to mention that we are being constantly traced with our cell phones anyway.
  6. Republicans Making Trump into a wartime president and re-electable hero… yeah he ruined that one by failing SO miserably to rise to the task.

These “misinformation sources” are spinning narratives, which, let’s face it, just say what feels good to you, they just say what you want to hear and what makes you feel special. Those sources could easily be controlled by our enemies, turning your “feelings” “notions” and “I just knew its” into the mindset that not only divides us, but drives us to invite this enemy deep into our country.

This virus has been turned into biological warfare waged with information and those that are working so hard to weaken us as a Superpower are winning big time, especially if we continue to be manipulated to defy protective measures.

This enemy has not only been allowed to enter our country, by a leader only interested in looking good for re-election, but it is being invited to completely overcome us, by a population that won’t accept reality . This virus, our common enemy, has not only devastated our country but the entire world and now as it wages battle, you are helping it win. If we do not act now, by doing everything possible to slow the spread of this common enemy, we will seal a fate of suffering and hardship for our future.

It pray it is not too late

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200

One Comment

  • Kasey

    It is so sad, that such a great nation can stumble over such a small pebble. Not the virus, but rather the wearing of mask. But as they say, pride goes before a fall.

    One positive is that even Fox news channel is starting to come around a little on the idea of wearing mask. So hopefully their audience will listen to them more than, “the perso.n occupying the White House.”

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