
Seven Spiritual Lessons of Debilitating Challenges

I am not here to burst your “I am in complete control and the master of my Universe” or “I am able to use this Secret to Manifest My Reality” Bubble. I think 2020 is doing that enough for everyone. Instead I want to tell you seven of the most Powerful Spiritual Lessons that I see contained in the challenges that this Teeny Tiny Transformational Tool (pandendemic causing virus) has offered up so relentlessly. When I was instantly knocked off my high horse by ALS, these are the things that I learned. When I lost all of the things that I thought I had, knew, was and that I expected... I stepped fully into the flow, where a new level of connection, power and strength was revealed. I promise there is so much opportunity for transformation, growth and genuine healing and recovery in this moment and beyond.


It is time to dissolve polarizations, Good/Bad – Negative/Positive – Left/Right, these are concepts that no longer serve us or even apply. This unprecedented time is all about Unification, externally and internally as well. To successfully navigate these challenges we need to allow ourselves to have the experiences, with of the emotions, thoughts and ideas that come from them, without polarization and the distraction of conflict that automatically arises from it. This starts internally, with us.

We have to let go of the idea that any of our emotions (like fear, anger and sadness) are “bad” or “negative”, embrace them all and learn to use them. We need to process our perception of the changes, restrictions and information, without polarizing them. As soon as we assign good/bad, left/right, negative/positive, the true message and way is lost in the distraction of conflict. We must experience this time free of these distractions, unified and connected.

two hands linked in yin/yang


Practice Setting Intentions NOT Expectations. Our Patriarchal Ego is threatened right along with The System right now. If you are aligning with those telling your ego that it is in control (go back to “normal”!), that it has all of the power (fight for your “freedoms!), that it should suppress parts of your truth and experience (focus on the positive and what you want!), that you need to fight for your individual freedom… you are following a paradigm that is no longer valid. This Tiny Transformational Tool (CV-19) has shifted our world into a mode of operation, where Patriarchal Systems and the ways of operating and succeeding within them, just don’t work anymore.

Transform all of your expectations and plans into intentions …Focus on what you can do now, not what you used to do. “Let Go of the Wretched Hows.” Just like all of the times you have had to “go with the flow,” when things end up not only working out but doing so in a way that is in a way you didn’t think possible and often times, even better than you could have imagined. Birth is the ultimate example of this “flow state” that often happens after all plans have completely fallen apart but that isn’t the only way to access it, especially not now. If you stay present and allow things to unfold in line with your intentions, (as opposed to acting according to your plan), things will flow into fruition and work out again and again.


Your struggles, fears, hurt, pain, dis-ease… whatever it is that is holding you down or back, call that sh** out! Call out those things you are afraid of, that you are abused by, that are hurting you…. Bring them into the LIGHT.  We are so accustomed to “not giving power” to the things we don’t want to happen or have grow stronger. We are so programmed to only “focus on what we want”, so afraid of creating or re-enforcing old “contracts” that it pushes our challenges into the shadows where they grow ever stronger.

By denying or hiding any of these you are hiding part of your truth. Who does it truly serve to keep injustices in the dark? Who keeps the power when we keep it to ourselves? We have built these ways into our own reality, calling it “positive thinking” because we are so conditioned to protect, THE SYSTEM. This version of spirituality is just an internalized hierarchal system (higher self, “spirit” guides), replacing the word “God” with “Universe”, “manifesting your reality” aka being in control and of course “vibrating at a higher/lower level” (hierarchy again).

We have been so conditioned to keep our challenges secret that it is not comfortable to shed light upon them. Now is the time to bring them into the light, understanding that criticism is coming from Patriarchal Programming and the fear that is built into it. When we call out our challenges, it gives us power over them. Contracts disintegrate in the light. That is why the chanting at protests is so incredibly empowering and important, why the acknowledging abuses is necessary for healing, and why a diagnosis of ailments can be as well.


If you are using Pharmaceuticals, when you once shunned them, you have not “failed”. If you are using alternative medicine, where you once shunned it, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are accepting all of the help available and that has been provided to you… You have learned you are not in control and don’t know it all. Congratulations! You have spiritually leveled up.

Understand and accept that everyone (including yourself) has a unique process for approaching health and wellness challenges,  it’s not going to match yours and it might include things you “don’t believe in” or agree with. Support others in their journey as you would want to be supported.

back of acupuncture model -  stacked stones that say "spirit" "soul" "mind" "body - A doctors hand holding a folded stethoscope


If you get sick, it is not your fault. You did not do anything “wrong“ you did not let a crack come into your “shield“ or “lower” your vibration, you did not manifest it or call it to you by wearing a mask, staying informed or taking precautions… you have spiritually leveled up. Congratulations…Kudos to you! You’re learning how to do this (life) without physical perfection to rely upon, you are that much closer… I promise amongst the challenges, there are such sweet discoveries ahead.

Even if it feels like you are completely debilitated by illness, pandemic, restrictions and closures, all of which are completely beyond your control… there is still something you can do, focus on those. Spend at least as much time and energy doing what you can still do as you are focusing and fighting to go back to what you used to do… This is the way through, and the only way to the other side is through. Recognize these opportunities to hone your skills beyond physical, starting with our connection to one another.

*Unless of course you were defiantly acting out against your fellow Americans and feeling superior to them by not wearing a mask, social distancing or cooperating with public health restrictions… in that case, your sickness is Karma. I hope you have the common decency to quarantine until you test negative. Twice. Please do not go near a hospital expecting a frontline healthcare worker to risk their lives to save yours when you didn’t have the decency to take them or anyone else into consideration. For you, well, spiritually (and logically), you deserve it, enjoy!

6. FREEDOM IS NOT POWER – Using It To Help Others Is

Fighting For Our Freedoms feels good because it reinforces the idea that we are in control and that we have “the power“… it is our programming not our purpose. One of the biggest gifts of this pandemic is seeing clearly how very far from the truth that is. Our power comes from helping others. Our strength is in our ability to protect each other. You already know this. Every single spiritual teacher teaches this. What an opportunity to practice this universal teaching, if you aren’t already, start practicing it now.


This Pandemic, above all else is showing us the interconnectedness of everything and especially our connection to one another. Not only are we forced to consider and act on behalf of the weakest among us but we are also required to stay so far apart in order to successfully navigate this new world. Our constant awareness of our connection by the atmosphere/air/breath is an opportunity to explore the other things that are shared through this incredible connective tissue (not just germs). In fact the forced distance caused by this Teeny Tiny Transformational Tool, created an environment where we have had to exercise our ability to connect without touch… it is an absolute SUPERPOWER that we all just leveled up in. Congratulations!

This connection creates an amazing exchange of information, energy, emotion and spirit continuously occurring across this atmospheric connective tissue. This gives us the ability to tap into that support always even if we are physically removed or alone. It also gives us an opportunity to lean into and swim through this connective tissue as well, to help us through challenges. Many of you know this is something that I rely upon to be able to move and function. I am SO grateful that you ALL have had an opportunity to experience, use and rely upon it too, even if you didn’t realize it!

two people with linked hands standing chest to chest


This moment calls for a collective spiritual awakening, as spiritual beings we can step up collectively now, as never before. Helping others is power, this is the fundamental basis of all teachings. Come back to this, if you are ever lost in this ever changing sea of information and guidance. If something or someone is calling for our Unity, especially if we are being called to help each other, THAT is the way. Use that as your touch stone. If something or someone is focusing on solutions and how you can be part of them, how we can Unify to become the change, THAT is the way.

Anything or anyone that is using polarization to distract, making you focus on your singular importance… claiming you are bound by “contracts” you must fear… declaring that there is someone who is “The One”, as a Savior who is promising to be able to “go back” to how “it once was”… are clinging to the paradigm of darkness and spiritual oppression. Their death throes are loud and desperate because these tactics are no longer valid. Congratulations, you can walk the other way.

WE are “The One”, this is our moment to step up collectively. ALL of the work we have been doing independently can finally come together as we Unify and collectively assist the birth of The Light.

Güber overlooking Wyoming Sunset Vista with the "Blue Pearl"

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200

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