
The Truth of Trump’s Legacy, A Placeholder of Lies

This list of accomplishments, documenting the day before Biden’s inauguration, is being posted on Trump Supporter’s Facebook timelines so that it will come back up in memories next year. A placeholder of Trump’s legacy, the problem is that only ONE of the claims is accurate. I am committing to no longer allow the propaganda, lies, and disinformation that culminated in the awful events of the 6th to go without correction anymore.

I refuse to sit quietly by while Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the elite ruling class use their media sources to resume their indoctrination tactics, blaming everyone else for the hardships their greed has caused. I sincerely hope that you do too; democracy depends on it.

We now know that there was a coordinated effort to overthrow the Government on the 6th of January. The insurrectionists were prepared to use violence and planned on executing our legislatures to install a new Government. If this effort had succeeded, we would now have an Autocratic Leader that was installed by a Violent Coup, not elected by our votes. By ending the reliance upon our votes, it would have ended the need to take “the people” into consideration at all.

Many of those closest to me wanted this effort to succeed and contributed to it. It is heartbreaking that they were manipulated to support an effort to delegitimize their votes, and strip them of power while encouraging them to break the law and ruin their lives. I am refusing to tolerate these false narratives out of love for America, Americans, and Democracy, which is incredibly fragile. I ask that you also commit to doing your part to ensure that this attempt to destroy our Democracy, so the Billionaire Elite Ruling Class won’t be at the mercy of your votes anymore, never succeeds.

Here is the list copied to Trump supporter’s timelines:

“Let’s see what happens. Today is one day before Biden’s inauguration…” 

•”Gas is currently $1.95per gallon.” ACTUAL– $2.39 Average

  • Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30-year mortgage”. ACTUAL  2.900%

•”The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months”. ACTUAL – “The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) plunged 6.3% or 1,338.40 points to close at 19,989.92. The S&P 500 plummeted 5.2% or 131.09 points to close at 2,398.10. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq Composite Index closed at 6,989.84, tumbling 4.7% or 344.94 points.Mar 19, 2020” Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent.

AND “Stock market posts best Inauguration Day rise in 36 years as Biden takes office- Nasdaq Composite sees best Inauguration Day performance on record as major indexes hit records”

•”We had the best economy ever until COVID, and it is recovering well.” ACTUAL: Pre-COVID, the deficit grew at a record rate giving us the largest deficit without a crisis, making the deficit guaranteed to surpass our GDP in 2021. It was the First Time in our history that our deficit grew simultaneously with our economy. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Bill Clinton presided over more robust economic growth than Trump.

ACTUAL post-covid we have floundered without any leadership or national response. It is easy to determine where we should be with the crisis since we have historically responded to threats the best or close to it. We can look at the countries that have far less resources than we do, yet successfully responded . Countries like New Zealand (25 CV-19 deaths), Australia (909 CV-19 deaths), Taiwan (7 CV-19 deaths), Vietnam (35 CV-19 deaths), and even Liberia (84 CV-19 deaths) responded America (400,000 CV-19 deaths) should have . These countries have experienced combined less than 1.100 deaths, while we have lost over 400,000 people and lose over 4,000 people per day.

These places can safely resume something close to normal life, and real economic recovery is in the works. Not the selfish delusional science-denying, wishful thinking that fortunate Americans are calling recovery, while many of our fellow Americans are suffering terribly. 

Note: A higher Bloomberg Covid Resilience Score indicates a better outcome

Note: A higher Bloomberg Covid Resilience Score indicates a better outcome

 • “We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last four years.” ACTUAL: Carter, Ford, and Nixon served after Eisenhour without starting any new wars. Trump ramped up commitments in Iraq and Syria initially to fight the Islamic State (while also launching airstrikes on Syria for chemical weapons), added troops in Afghanistan, and escalated hostilities with Iran — including the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. 

His New War was turning a gradual and slow attack against America and Democracies worldwide into an all-out Cyber-Warfare Information War that culminated in convincing Americans to not only lose faith in Democracy, believe the free press is our enemies, use their freedoms to hurt each other and believe an “alternative reality” but to attempt a coup. He assisted our enemies in the war waged by those who share his hatred for Democracy. He singlehandedly used Russian Propaganda techniques to ramp up and enhance the information war while cozying up to our enemies and abandoning our allies.

Over 70  Former Republican National Security Advisors outlined the danger of Trump to America in the joint statement outlining why: “We are profoundly concerned about our nation’s security and standing in the world under the leadership of Donald Trump. The President has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term.” 

When we abandoned the Kurds in Syria, we helped ISIS, Russia, Iran, Syria, and Turkey and hurt America’s allies. 

As we were reeling from the economic hardships from COVID, Trump went against his defense experts’ advice to pull troops from Germanycosting us billions and leaving Europe vulnerable to Russia. 

Trump not only allowed Information Warfare to be waged upon Americans by Russia and China, but he encouraged and participated in it. His use of disinformation on his citizens after attacking the free press is an unprecedented attack on Democracy. 

“One of Putin’s primary objectives is to utterly discredit democracy as a model, and on that he’s getting an A-plus because in Donald Trump, you have a would-be authoritarian who is deliberately and overtly taking a wrecking ball to the underpinnings of our democracy,” according to a former ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser.

•”North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles”. ACTUAL: the opposite is true. North Korea has picked up missile testing since Covid has ravaged the world, and they unveiled new ballistic missiles in October 2020 that can reach America. While no other world leader and certainly POTUS would legitimize any Dictator with a visit, the self-proclaimed “love affair” between the Dictator and his admirer only allowed him to test and create more weaponry. This claim is yet another delusional statement, supported by those wishing to manipulate you. 

•”ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years.” ACTUAL: While Obama handed Trump a defeated ISIS- Trump went on to help them rebuild. 

ISIS welcomed General Soleimani’s assassination and claimed it would help them return- they were also supported by our abandonment of the Kurds in Syria, our fighting with Iran is helping them rebuild in Iraq 

Remember when Trump invited the Taliban to a secret Camp David Meeting?

•”The housing market is the strongest it has been in years. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well.” ACTUAL: Housing inequality is increasing, and we are facing a massive number of foreclosures as the mistakes of ’08 that should have been learned from were not only repeated but enhanced. Average Americans are, yet again, set up to fail with banks and the wealthy poised to take advantage of their loss and grab up land at an unprecedented rate. Something I’m sure Mr. Crooked Real Estate himself enjoyed setting up. Let’s hope the new administration will rescue the situation, even though Biden was part of the original mess on ’08.

And let’s not forget that peace deals in the Middle East were signed by four countries—unprecedented!  ACTUAL: The rest of the world and experts don’t exactly agree with this assessment. Taking Partisanship outside of the country and making it clear that we are no longer an impartial mediator does not help. When we sell weapons to the UAE, even though they kill our journalists without demanding that they at least clean up human rights abuses, we only look weak without really helping peace. 

*”Unemployment sits at 6.7% despite COVID.”  THE ONLY FACTUAL STATEMENT!!!!!  ACTUAL: Trump inherited a growing healthy economy, with an unemployment rate of 4.7%, so if he had the country’s best interests at heart, not just his own, he wouldn’t have tax cuts that helped billionaires pay less than the working class for the first time adding trillions to our already huge deficit, that will exceed our GDP for the first time. 

**This brings us to China, which was curiously not mentioned in this placeholder, even though Biden giving the country to China was a primary reason insurrectionists used to validate their need to prevent the election from being confirmed. Trump and his Propaganda Networks often use the “projection or flipping” technique, where they accuse the other side of doing what they are doing to hide in plain sight. 

Trump’s owing Tens of Millions of dollars to the Bank of China and having over $1 Billion in debt brings his accusations into serious question. We know from his history that he likes to use someone else’s money to make himself look successful. This tactic often ends in Bankruptcy because he has no intention to repay his debts. Curiously, he was doing the same with our economy; who was he planning on bailing him out in the end? Did he intend to sell us out for his gain?

“#Biden takes over on 1-20-21.” 

 Let’s look back next year… Hopefully, this attack on truth is over, and you are no longer under this spell. 

If you were told a lie or did not know about even one of these things, then it is time to stop listening to people who have been using lies, propaganda, and disinformation to brainwash you. The more than 30,000 lies that we were bombarded with, were not just his “personality,” or delusions from his personality disorder, his lies and falsehoods were part of the Russian Firehose of Falsehoods Propaganda Technique. Trump, with the help of the GOP and Right-Wing Media, was intentionally indoctrinating and brainwashing us so they could attempt to take our power away. This should infuriate every American, especially those who trusted those in these positions of power.

We have to remember that the “free press” is in one of the first parts of the Constitution. The villainization of anyone who says anything negative about those in power, especially the press, is exactly how to kill Democracy. Without the Free Press reporting on what is really happening, those in power can do anything. True Journalists must be able to back up their claims and are required to correct their mistakes.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

First Amendment Of The Constitution

Fox “News” is on a mission to eliminate true Journalists who are reporting the news accurately. They are only interested in indoctrinating and emotionally manipulating their viewers to give away their power and vote against their best interests. We have to stop listening to “Opinion Show Hosts” who are paid millions by billionaire bosses to mislead and radicalize their viewers. Because of the threat of a lawsuit, the “Right” had to admit to lying regarding the election and claims about voting machines; it is clear this is not the only thing they are lying about; we must demand better.

Your votes are valuable, and it’s time for you to be informed so you can decide what and who is best for you and your family. You are better than being lied to and misled anymore. They have used propaganda and lies to make you believe a reality in which immigrants and other Americans are the enemies when those misleading ones are to blame. 

Democracy has two or more parties. A variety of ideas and beliefs are represented and protected; if you believe that Democracy is ever; “your way is the only way,” then someone is misleading you. If “your party” is doing something you wouldn’t want “the other” side to do, your side is abusing power. In Democracy, power always fluctuates from one party to the next. 

Sources matter, and these sources are leading you down the same delusional path. We have to demand better for ourselves and each other. Enough already.

Trump’s True Legacy

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200

One Comment

  • Kasey

    Thanks Sazi, this fact checking is so important.

    And I am shocked that those messages the FBI reported, aren’t being talked about more. This is the first time i am seeing them.

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