Cleaning Green

Norwex In A Nutshell!

Welcome To A New Way To Clean!

Welcome to Norwex!

The name Norwex is Norway + Experience and the more I am immersed in this Company, the more I see just how accurate their name is. Just like everyone I have met from that part of the world, I am blown away by the amazing kindness and generosity that permeates this company from the Top, all the way down.

As one of the most Eco-Conscious and Cleanest Countries in the world, Norway is leading the way, just like Norwex. Both are proving that we can live more sustainably, reducing the impact we have on the earth and our exposure to toxins too.

Norwex is genuinely dedicated to:

“Improving the quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes.”

Norwex Global Mission

The Norwex Movement is a community dedicated to reducing plastics, chemical exposure, and our impact on our shared home one household, and small conscious choices at a time.

Even though this Silver Infused, Self Purifying Microfiber seems like such cutting-edge technology to those of us just learning about it now, Norwex has been around for over 25 years! In fact, these microfiber cloths have been used in Hospitals and Schools in Norway since the early nineties!

My Norwex Journey

When I became suddenly very sick with ALS exacerbated by chronic infections that reactivated from a tick bite as a child…I also became very very intolerant of chemicals and especially cleaners. Even some cleaners that claimed to be “green” would make me very sick because often they aren’t actually “green” at all. The cleaners that are genuinely green might not make me sick, but they never cleaned adequately, often leaving things still feeling dirty. Eventually, I just quit cleaning altogether, relying on others to clean for me instead.

When I found Norwex, I had given up hope and it felt like a long-lost prayer answered. I wouldn’t even have to worry about Güber licking his feet anymore! These Products have genuinely helped me so much, all around. and the more I learn just how harmful all the chemicals that we use are, I just want to share that there is another way of doing things!

Güber LOVES to lick the bottom of his feet! YIKES!

How do Your Favorite Cleaners Rate??

Did you know:

Finding something that removes 99% of bacteria, using only water is a dream come true!


Watch this 2-minute video to see how Norwex Microfiber is the REAL CLEAN!

WHOA, RIGHT?! How is that possible…

What makes Norwex Microfiber SO special?

*  Fibers that are 1/200th the size of a human hair (“normal” microfiber is 1/6)
* Holds 7x its weight in dirt or water!

Removes 99% of bacteria with just water!

 BacLock Microsilver: What’s that?

I can recommend these products with full confidence and quite frankly even if I could use the harshest of chemicals, I couldn’t imagine cleaning with anything other than these, not only surfaces but my food and my body as well…

This is one of my Favorite Norwex Products doing what it does best! Check out the rest of my Favorites HERE


If Norwex is not for you… No Problem!

Preview(opens in a new tab)

I love that there is a 60-Day Return Policy, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and a 2-Year Warranty… Who does that!?

Browse or Shop the Norwex Lineup with Sazi


If you are like me, you have a big “NEVER- EVER” that started long ago. I swore I would Never-Ever under any circumstance be a part of a Multi-Level Marketing, what I always called “scam.” I knew that ALL Direct Marketing or MLM Companies are ONLY about signing people up, not about the products they are supposedly Marketing.

After a lot of Observation (while trying to talk myself out of it) I eventually realized that Norwex is about the products and the impact they can have on people and the environment. In fact, I realized that Norwex isn’t Multi-Level Marketing after all, it is Direct Sales and there’s a HUGE difference.

    ❌ First, true “pyramid schemes” are illegal. Pyramid schemes – no legitimate product is sold. Money comes from enrollment fees. It’s illegal.
    Distributors earn money by recruiting and by selling products. Some have a steep buy-in fee upfront, and the focus is more on building a team and earning commissions from the team. You can earn an income from those under you, even if you’re not selling.
  3. DIRECT SALES (Norwex👏)
    Usually have a low or no buy-in fee, and the commissions are from personal sales and also from recruiting (optional). However, unlike MLMs, in direct sales, if you aren’t selling, you’re NOT earning (there’s no resting on your teammates and earning off those under you.) Norwex is about creating Safe Havens and the Products, NOT recruiting! 👏 🤩 🌀

So for those of us who said NEVER-EVER to MLM… well, we still say that!!

Frankly, I couldn’t imagine being able to fully understand these products unless they were marketed/sold in this way. Also, the opportunity to empower people to grow with their own businesses, not enrich Corporate Elites, is very much in line with the core values of Norwex as well.

Here is Why I Norwex…


Norwex is a Global Company with environmentally friendly products sold in nine markets on three continents and with products made all over the world. I LOVE the wool dryer balls from New Zealand! I was concerned to learn that some Norwex products are manufactured in China. Once I understood the reasons, and the conditions, my concerns were put to rest.



I have a confession, I didn’t use my Norwex microfiber initially because I thought it was hard to take care of. I thought I had to buy “their” laundry detergent and it looked really expensive. 

Well, I was wrong about all of it, the microfiber is super easy to care for you can just use a Detergent as free from additives as you can muster and avoid using Bleach, Fabric Softeners, and Dryer Sheets, without Linty Laundry!

Browse Catalog/Shop HERE! 


One of the reasons I was so blown away by Norwex as a company, was just how generous they are. I absolutely love how they take care of their customers and consultants, ensuring that everyone, even if they don’t have money, has an opportunity to make their homes safe havens!

Learn how you can easily earn Norwex for free by sharing it with your friends (we can find the way you are most comfortable sharing!) or by building a business around your passions!

Some of my Fave Products!

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Shop/Host/Join with Sazi (and Güber)!