Motion is Lotion

Tribal Dancer with Arm's Raised

My dance was born in a suspended cage hanging from a cathedral-turned nightclub’s ceiling in Manhattan in the early 90s. The movement that has become my salvation had to match the power of the brand new throb of Techno with the grace to prevent the cage from swaying dangerously. My dance was born in a suspended cage hanging from a cathedral-turned nightclub’s ceiling in Manhattan in the early 90s. The movement that has become my salvation had to match the power of the brand new throb of Techno with the grace to prevent the cage from swaying dangerously. My teenage body went into a “zone” by tapping into an energy that has since proven to be nothing short of a healing/magical/beautiful miracle.

Cultivating my Dance helps others find their dance.

I went from the cage in NYC to obsessively study every ancient dance I could find. Performing improvisational creations to the music of my young son’s drumming led to my teaching a therapeutic movement and dance class. SaziSacreDance focused on Spinal Activation and used American Tribal Style as a language to build trust in the sacred expression of intuitive dance.

Using Sacred Dance Energy to Connect to Source and access Deep Healing with Barefoot Massages is the ultimate healing exchange.

When I became a Massage Therapist, my ability to tap into this Sacred Energy translated perfectly into Barefoot Massage. By transforming the Sacred Dance into Barefoot Massage, I have been honored to help so many people find their healing paths by literally dancing upon them. This method of Barefoot Massage can be such a beautiful, unique and transformative experience for both the therapist and client.

I became a pure conduit for this timeless, sacred, and healing energy by opening up to it for others.

Lakeside Chavutti Thirumal Indian Rope Barefoot Massage
Lakeside Chavutti

When I suddenly started to experience muscle weakness and serious difficulty moving in 2013, this ability to tap into and use this Sacred Healing Energy saved me. By the time I was diagnosed with ALS, complicated by a reactivated infection, in February of 2017, my body had deteriorated extensively.

Now I lean so heavily on this connection just to keep going. By tapping into the Sacred Dance Energy I am able to do things that are technically impossible because of muscle atrophy… no joke, this stuff is magic. 

It is my greatest honor to provide support and guidance for others to explore and activate the Sacred Healing Energy connecting all of us.

Dancing with tangled fingers, locked joints, and wobbly everything can awaken my harsh inner critic. It is still a struggle to celebrate what I can still do instead of mourning what I can’t do anymore… but it is getting easier.

I genuinely don’t understand how I am still able to dance or eve move, I am just so grateful that I am and I vow to show up for them, as long as I have the ability to.

Tash Sultana’s “Pretty Lady” Dance Challenge!

It’s no secret that I love me some Tash Sultana

I was a dancer before this f*&%^$g dis-ease started taking away my movement, and at first, I was so harsh with myself and ashamed of my new way of dancing and moving with hands that were deforming and a body that was deteriorating…

Eventually, I got over it but it was super hard to just let it go and learn to accept myself, even when compromised. Tash’s music played a HUGE part in my finally embracing whatever I could still do instead of mourning what I couldn’t. I started relying on and leaning into the power of universal connection. Her music does that so powerfully, it enters your cells and penetrates your darkest places with light, vibration, and sweet, sweet movement and dance. It is powerful medicine. I am so grateful for her and for it.e

Pretty Lady Dance Challenge

Of course her brand new song, Pretty Lady touched my soul, in that completely magical way, again. The PrettyLadyChallenge, Dance Challenge while we are all Social Distancing & Self Isolating is PERFECT to remind us of and help us all feel our connection, at a time when we might be feeling a bit separated from each other… I know I could SO feel ALL of the Beautiful Souls that were moving, dancing, basking in the amazing connection this song has opened up.

THANK YOU SO MUCH Tash (and all the dancers) you’re making movement and dance still possible for me. I think you are supposed to do the PrettyLadyDance by Ellen Simpson. I tried (a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️) but it’s just impossible for this bod to move to my commands and do those moves, I have to swim instead. So here’s my version… I’m SO looking forward to seeing (and feeling) yours…! As always Güber was the best helper…🐾🐕‍🦺🖤

Flagship Romance “Concentric” First Dance

Flagship Romance “Concentric” First Dance

I wanted to share this dance because I am increasingly in awe of and grateful for the amazing Concentric Connections in my life. This song expresses so perfectly the essence that fills my heart. I am so very grateful.

First Dances are my initial movement interpretation of a song. I captured this one as a gift for Shawn and Jordyn, of Flagship Romance, after they played “Concentric” for me in their living room, right before it was released. “Concentric” expresses so perfectly my feelings and experiences, especially right now, as I am faced with the harsh reality of this disease. I had such a strong emotional response (as in sobbing uncontrollably) that I knew the only way for me to process it was with dance.

When my muscles are wasting, my hands and feet are painfully collapsing and curling, my legs are noodles and movement is becoming increasingly elusive, Flagship Romance’s music has become such an invaluable gift.

Check out Flagship Romance and on Spotify – they are seriously soooo good…

The Blue Pearl – Dancing through ALS

The Blue Pearl – Help from a Spirit

This video is named in honor of the Blue Dot that kept appearing and dancing with me… the first time it happens, Millicent, who was filming was spooked so she pointed the camera at the lamp, hoping it would go away… it definitely doesn’t. By the end she was convinced that the “spirit” or “energy” that had been helping me dance and just get through the tough times was showing up so clearly and beautifully.

It was so unexpected and moving to see this come through. Since filming this I see the “Blue Pearl” appear in many of the pictures that are capturing truly magical moments. It is such a gift to be able to see so undeniably the energy of spirit that is helping me through this incredibly challenging experience.

So Grateful for Dance

Dance has always been there for me, through the hardest times and also the most triumphant. A moving meditation that allows me to connect with spirit and the divine so strongly as to be blissfully free. Lou Gehrig’s Disease or ALS doesn’t care how strong, how powerful, how successful or how capable you are, it will relentlessly and systematically work to take you out. When I was hit full on by the freight train of this disease, I leaned into the dance as never before.

Thank you Millicent, for your amazing videography, art, passion, belief, love, intuition, sisterhood, understanding, caring and strength.

Music- Deya Dova, Footsteps In The Stars Temple Step Project & DJ Dakini Remix

Intuitive Barefoot Massage

Intuitive Barefoot Massage

Time-Lapse Customized Barefoot Massage – one of my most favorite #SacreDances ever. It is my moving meditation, physical therapy, anti-depressant and often reason to get out of bed. Because of my challenges with this awful disease, I HAVE to connect to Source to do it. For me it is so incredibly rejuvenating, while helping others tap into their healing force… So humbled and in complete awe of this work. So grateful for all of my amazing instructors and incredible clients.

Chavutti Thirumal + FasciAshi + Ashiatsu + Fijian + Barefoot Shiatsu Rossiter Technique + Polarity Therapy + QiGong + SacreDance + Güber’s Assistance = Ashisazi Barefoot Massage 👣🐾

Connection – Tapping into divine energy to “Omiya”- Michael Dannae

Connection – Tapping into divine energy to “Omiya”- Michael Danna

Years of teaching and performing Sacred Therapeutic Tribal Dance taught me how to “plug into” the magical life force energy that surrounds and connects us all, to be able to move (and even dance) in spite of having a body seriously compromised and changed by this very debilitating and cruel dis-ease. Looking back I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to master it and recognize the integral role it plays in my ability to keep functioning and thriving through this extremely challenging situation

Thank you Millicent, for your amazing videography, art, passion, belief, love, intuition, sisterhood, understanding, caring and strength.


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