
America Abandoned Afghan Women and Empowered Terrorists

What Biden’s Afghanistan debacle says about him and Americans that defend and justify things that are not in line with their values and intuition.

The final withdrawal from Afghanistan has been especially brutal for me and I can see how hard it is for so many who don’t really know what to think. It is especially difficult when we are being told that this withdraw was the right thing to do, yet watching it unfold feels completely and totally wrong. If the last five years have anything to teach us, it is that feelings are not facts, the number of people who believe something does not prove anything, and perhaps most important, our beliefs have to match our values, so we don’t open ourselves up to indoctrination (cult programming), and the wool can’t be pulled over our eyes ever again.

To know what to believe, defend and justify we have to ask ourselves if Biden standing firmly behind the withdrawal from Afghanistan, aligns with our values and who we really are? Do you really agree that we shouldn’t fight for Afghans because they lacked the will to fight, or that the quick collapse proves that this withdrawal was the right thing to do and that nothing was accomplished anyway? Before you answer, please put yourselves in the shoes of the Afghan people who knew that if they had fought the Taliban at this stage, they had absolutely no chance of succeeding.  Imagine if you had already experienced the horror of the Taliban, and you knew exactly what would happen to you and those you love if you stood up and resisted.

When I think about how scared I was to speak up against Trump and that I wouldn’t have had the courage or ability to do so if I wasn’t so sick, and the threats I’ve received since, confirming my fear… I honestly can’t grasp how terrified the Afghans must be.

We all saw how lawmakers responded to threats from the fascist terrorists that stormed the Capitol. The condemnation of the President directly after the attack turned into a refusal to even disagree, let alone stand up to him. Instead of taking the official stance that the terrorists were tourists, and the attempted coup, a typical tour, or that the bad guys were ANTIFA, and of course Pelosi is really the one responsible… and yet we expected the Afghans to stand up to the Taliban?

Terrorists strike terror into the people they are terrorizing and the Taliban are some of the most terrible the world has known.

What choice did we leave the Afghans but to surrender?

The rise of fascism is happening in Afghanistan, America, and across the West. It has to stop.

We cannot allow those who have effectively torn America and the West apart to continue to distract us and tell us what to think. The powerful are using the media, and the politicians they have purchased, and our enemies that vowed to destroy the West without firing a shot, use the distrust that comes from generations of Government gaslighting. There are so many who want to take power away from the people, so many. We have to stop helping them.

Biden’s repeated claim that the Afghan Army and people allowed the Taliban advancement without a fight, is a complete lie. The truth is that America abandoned Afghanistan completely. After investing and sacrificing so much, Trump started the process, and Biden finished it, even though the conditions the Taliban promised were not met. Both Presidents are responsible, both political parties are to blame, and yes, the Americans who voted for them are too. We cannot look away and blame the victims or “the other,” not this time, not anymore. We all share responsibility, we are all in this together.

Fascism is a system, so the most effective and brave way to fight it is to resist it day in and day out. The bullets and violence that the Afghan Army used at the eleventh hour did nothing to undo fascism or create a new system to replace it. To truly fight the Taliban in the bravest and most effective way is to claim and enjoy the equality, education, freedom, empowerment, and autonomy that Democracy offers, especially if you are a woman.

Claiming that the Afghan people haven’t been fighting the Taliban’s Fundamentalist Patriarchal version of Fascism, when women are judges, lawyers, scientists, police officers, athletes, journalists, elected officials, entertainers, athletes, entrepreneurs, and influencers, is incredibly dismissive and misogynistic but mostly it’s dishonest.

The claim that Afghans have not been fighting is almost as dismissive, misogynistic, dishonest, and distracting as the claim that nothing was accomplished when the Taliban are inheriting a different country than they left 20 years ago.

“The literacy rate has doubled, the infant mortality rate has halved, access to electricity has tripled or quadrupled, there are ten times as many kids in school as there were 20 years ago, 40 percent of whom are girls”


Biden has made it crystal clear that to him accomplishing these things is “nothing” even though it has been proven time and again that the best way to create more peaceful, and higher functioning societies, communities, and cultures is through educating and empowering women.

Ayeda Shadab an Afghan Social Media Star

What the Taliban’s promises regarding the treatment of women really mean.

The Taliban have promised to grant women, many of who have only known freedom, the rights that Sharia Law recognizes they have, which means Biden and Trump are both perfectly fine with what that means:

Two Afghan Women standing close together wearing marching azure blue burqas
  • Women should not appear in the streets without a blood relative and without wearing a burqa (a woman was killed for wearing a burqa that was too tight-fitting a few days ago)
  • Women should not wear high-heeled shoes as no man should hear a woman’s footsteps lest it excite him.
  • Women must not speak loudly or laugh in public as no stranger should hear a woman’s voice.
  • All ground and first-floor residential windows should be painted over or screened to prevent women from being visible from the street.
  • Photographing, filming, and displaying pictures of females in newspapers, books, shops, or the home is banned.
  • Place names that include the word “women” are forbidden.
  • Women are forbidden to appear on the balconies of their apartments or houses.
  • Women’s presence is banned on radio, television, or at public gatherings of any kind.
  • After age 12 Women (and young boys) are required to be the Taliban’s sex slaves, if requests
  • Punishments include public flogging, stoning (throwing stones at someone until they die), execution, maiming (having body parts like hands, noses, fingers cut off), and of course beheadings
  • Women are property, without the ability to have opinions or ideas

I could keep going, but it makes me physically sick to think that this is what two of our Presidents believed was okay to return to, while our own version of fascism rises to power. America’s Christian Fundamentalist Patriarchal Fascists are following their supreme leader and embracing these Sharia Law Loving Terrorists right along with him. was okay to return to, while our own version of fascism rises to power. America’s Christian Fundamentalist Patriarchal Fascists are following their supreme leader and embracing these Sharia Law terrorists right along with him.

The story that we had to get out of Afghanistan and it was the appropriate time to leave is false.

America has troops stationed worldwide: Japan, Germany, Korea Italy, Kuwait, and so many other countries. Places like Korea, with Tyrants waiting in the wings, require a sustained presence even after a super stable government and thriving economy is well established. We actually stopped fighting what is called “The Longest War” in 2013 and have been helping establish and maintain stability in Afghanistan ever since. A complete pull-out of troops from Afghanistan might have eventually been appropriate, but maintaining a presence in the area to prevent China, Iran, or Russia from moving in and using the infrastructure we built, made sense. Abandoning bases that cost billions of taxpayer’s dollars, complete with everything from energy drinks to armored vehicles, and the roads connecting them, was foolish.

The reality is that this is a really hard situation and the right thing to do in Afghanistan would have required going against the desires of most Americans and would have resulted in bad press and criticism for Biden. The right thing to do in Afghanistan required a true leader who does things that might be unpopular at the time but ensures the wellbeing, safety, and health of everyone. In fact, America, and the planet desperately needs that leader right now too.

Clearly, Trump set Biden up, forcing him to either go to war with the Taliban, at a minimum, replace troops that were inappropriately removed in the first place. When 70% of Americans thought we should pull out of Afghanistan, I understand that doing the right thing was incredibly hard, especially for a President presiding over such a divided nation. .  I can understand why his judgment was clouded by his desire for unification and he thought this could be unifying for America. Just like I can understand that he’s playing Mr. Nice Guy with America’s Grifter-in-Cheif and his followers who are domestic terrorists, for the same reason.  

Unfortunately, the America that Biden believes he is Governing, doesn’t exist anymore.

The America that shares a reality and a desire for Democracy above all else died when Trump killed the possibility of a peaceful transition of power. Because he still refuses to put the wellbeing of the country first and concede, America post-Trump is barreling toward fascism, fueled by untouchable oligarchs that deliver a steady stream of fear to an already radicalized and heavily armed population, who craves a war to defeat those wanting to protect freedom and autonomy, that they believe is communism and pedophilia/torture/cannibalism using their children… Unity will not come from niceness, leniency, and going along with the plans set in motion by the Demagogue before him, Biden needs to wake up to that reality immediately.

Trump was a transactional, corrupt, racist, reality star that shares Hitler, Mao, Jim Jones, and Mousollini’s personality disorder. This makes Trump incapable of caring about people, whether they are Afghan or American, which might be why his betrayal, cruelty, and dismissal hurts way less than Biden’s does.

Bottom line, negotiations made on behalf of the Afghan government without including them should never have been upheld. The “deals” that Trump made with fascist terrorists who do not operate according to our rules are not acceptable. Trusting the promises of people who have the singular goal of forcing the entire world to answer to their God and abide by their fundamentalist laws, and believe that anything is justified to make it happen, is a stupid thing to do. 

This is the truth that Biden wants to distract from.

Biden is hoping that all of these obscene claims will make America not realize that he and Blinken totally and completely f**ked this up. Instead of blaming those who are suffering because of it, they really need to realize their mistakes and change their approach. There’s a saying that the way someone does one thing is the way they do everything and the terrifying thing is that it is the truth. Biden and his administration are totally and completely f**king up what is happening in America, the exact same way. 

We have to learn from history.

Fascists rose to power under Hitler because the German Government tried to “work with” the Nazis after they unsuccessfully attacked Parliament in what is known as the Reichstag Fire. When DC Judges are raising alarm at the leniency shown the terrorists of January 6. and the head of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, called the attack on the Capitol Trump’s “Reichstag Moment” carried out by his “Brown Shirts” referring to Hitler’s henchmen, it is important we learn from history. Biden continuing to “work with” Fascists, trust terrorists, and honor the “deals” made by the modern Hitler, will ensure that American Democracy will not survive and the American Brown Shirts will rule.

Biden supporters, do you remember how Trump wasn’t able to admit when he completely f**ked up and his followers/voters wouldn’t admit it either, no matter what? Remember how alarming it was when Trump and his followers acted brazenly defensive, even when the world was horrified by his obvious failures? What about when Trump’s supporters would join in blaming victims? Remember how Trump’s cult-like followers wouldn’t correct him, ever? If you are a Biden supporter, make sure you do not do that, with this. 

What do you believe about the rise of Fascism with America’s help?

It is natural for the tables to turn, and the oppressed to become the oppressors. In order to avoid this cycle, it is imperative that we all honor our gut feelings, instead of supporting, justifying, or defending anything that isn’t truly in line with our values. We open up to indoctrination, distance ourselves from critical thinking and allow others to tell us what to think and how to feel when we are not authentically congruent. Karma is likely waiting if you’ve ever claimed that you would never become blinded to your side’s corruption and manipulation. Never say never, cognitive dissonance can happen to anyone and we can’t afford any more of it.

So, do you agree that we shouldn’t fight for Afghans because they lacked the will to fight, or that the quick collapse proves that this withdrawal was the right thing to do and that nothing was accomplished anyway? Do you trust this Administration and the current Commander-In-Chief to stand up to Fascism, and protect freedom and Democracy above all else? What if standing up to fascist terrorists isn’t the popular thing to do with the indoctrinated masses who believe fascism is freedom? If the answer is no, even slightly, then use your voice to demand action… We have everything to lose.

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200

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