
An Open Letter To Those Rushing to Re-Open

For friends and family that are wanting to rush into re-opening, that are refusing to wear a mask, that are feeling like your rights and freedoms are being so incredibly violated, this is for you.

I know your stance isn’t a personal stab, my plea is just a very personal one, I hope you will take the time to “deep dive” into the “other side” as I have for you all. I have read and watched all of your articles and videos. Much of the information I already knew, a lot of it I even agree with, I just think that now is not the time to address it and then there is some of it that I just flat out disagree with. It has all been so insightful and I have appreciated all of it. I absolutely see where you are coming from and why you want to re-open immediately. After reading and watching everything, I can absolutely see how wearing masks, keeping distant and re-opening (immediately and entirely) all “makes perfect f***ing sense!” and why you are incredibly impatient with all of us that are urging, begging, pleading for caution and care.

I hope we can all agree that we have got to start to come together, if we are to truly succeed.

I think there are people that are waaaaaay far gone in both directions, that’s not who I’m talking to. They aren’t interested in solutions, health or prosperity – they are only interested in being right and converting others into the “cult”. I know that you are not there, my beloved friends and amazing family, I think many of you are like me, taking information as it comes and making the most sense of it as you can.

Right now, when my business, passion and ability to interact with other people, (probably forever for me because I’m fading fast) is on the line, (along with so many others that have reached out asking me for help), I had to say something. I hope you can see that this is not a personal stab at any of you either, I just want you to know where I am coming from and why I have come to these conclusions.

I do not have a media network or algorithms and bots working diligently to show my perspective, let alone convince anyone to see things my way. I only have me and I’m working diligently to explain and convey my insights and perspectives, which I do think are valuable right now, even if they aren’t popular. Unfortunately things are not alway as we ‘want’ them to be.

I know all too well that it can be harmful to only focus on what we ‘want’, when our reality is needing our attention. If I had woken up to what my body needed, instead of only what I ‘wanted’, if I had paid attention to ALL of the warnings before my nervous system completely shorted out… things might be completely different for me right now. I am haunted by that truth and sincerely hope that my experience can help prevent it happening again, especially on this grand scale.

Please take the time to read and watch everything that you haven’t already. If nothing else it can give you insight into the other “side” to understand better where we are coming from, I sincerely hope it can help bring us all together. We are strongest together.

This all started with a Political Rally that was scheduled to overrun my little town and big wide open county. I was very passionately sharing my viewpoints because we had an opportunity to keep the county safe by preventing “The Cowboys For Trump” from descending upon us, when we had only one Covid-19 case, that thankfully, has been very good at isolating.

I suddenly became vocal about my desire to re-open following the guidelines that have been proven to work established by the experts, recommended by the Federal Government and enforced by the Governor. These were put in place to protect the wellbeing of our county and everyone in it. I asked that instead of pitting us against each other, our leaders pull us together to figure out ways to support local businesses and individuals. I could see so clearly that we all need to help each other get through this long process. A process that is going to demand expensive changes to the way we do things, with more shut-downs being inevitable in the future.

I was trying to draw attention to an opportunity we had as a place with no infections in a state with low infections, to come out on top. It was my hope that our local leaders could focus on unification, to take advantage of our advantage, instead of focusing on political gain. The outrage at not taking each location into consideration when deciding how and when to re-open was something I agreed with so strongly. I was urging our leadership to do just that.

Looking at our population of primarily high-risk people with 2 nursing homes, including the State Veteran’s Home and a lake that attracts tens of thousands of visitors, from highly infected areas… it seemed very logical to me (and to a lot of the community) that we protect our little oasis from this virus. If we could pull together and focus on providing our businesses and residents what they need to get through this and the inevitable shut-downs, in the future, then we would have a huge advantage when it was all said and done. That our Governor was also supporting this, just made the potential for success better.

I was trying to be a voice for so many in the county who don’t have one because they are scared of retaliation and like me, have SO much to lose. Looking at our downtown, there are more than half of the businesses that are high-risk owner operators. The rush to open, insistence on inviting potentially infected people in and refusal to cooperate with protective measures will put those at-risk business owners and customers in the same position I am in. It seemed extremely short sighted and selfish.

I was truly amazed at just how much resistance there was to my ideas and who was most passionate about it. The resistance came from all “sides”, often sharing information sources and reasoning. I have appreciated all of it. I SO wish I could agree with it, I SO want it to be true…I hope you understand that I am not sharing what I want but what I have come to understand is our reality right now. You have raised many, very valid concerns and I think they all deserve attention and further research, however, now is not the time for it.

This is my attempt to directly address all of the comments, questions and insights shared by the people I genuinely love and respect so much and who think it is (past) time to re-open fully. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to explain why you feel that way, I understand so much more now. I hope you can take the time to understand where I am coming from as well.

“I don’t know if I’ll be just fine, when it comes down to it nobody does. Every single one of us waking up could be our last day.

That’s just life.” 

If no-one is willing to sacrifice any inconvenience to make it safe for me and my customers, then the potential for me to re-open and re-enter is non existent. I have been mourning the loss of that potential since last Sunday when a few hundred people, from all over the NM and TX gathered to exercise their freedom, taking away my security and safety.

Is it worth re-opening and re-entering “normal life” for my health and likely my life?

You are absolutely right, no one is promised tomorrow…the difference is that I KNOW that I won’t be okay should I meet this microscopic marvel, which makes this very different for me.

The mask…? no BECAUSE cv19 doesn’t spread thru the air like mainstream media said. It’s spread via droplets so the only mask that would even help are those masks with the filters on the sides. Not the little cloth masks.” 

About the mask the CDC (which is the Federal Government) says:

“The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person to person, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).

COVID-19 seems to be spreading easily and sustainably in the community (“community spread”) in many affected geographic areas. Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.”

What the CDC says about cloth masks:

“In light of new data about how COVID-19 spreads, along with evidence of widespread COVID-19 illness in communities across the country, CDC recommends that people wear a cloth face covering to cover their nose and mouth in the community setting. This is to protect people around you if you are infected but do not have symptoms.”

This is not from any media source, mainstream or otherwise but the Federal Government, Donald Trump’s Government. He is currently trying to prevent any bad or unpopular news from being released by the CDC, which is impossible because in order to safely and successfully navigate this crisis, there is going to be some unpopular news and requirements.

“Over time the #’s started coming out and more information came to light, that is not spread by the mainstream media. In fact the hospitals that were shown on tv to be so full they didn’t have enough beds.. pretty much not true… Cuomo asked for more beds. Trump answered with 2 ships and built a hospital”.

The respirators and the hospital beds weren’t needed because New Yorkers did such a great job Social Distancing, which is the only thing we have to fight this virus right now. We have the power to control how bad this gets, it is in our hands. The numbers are not as bad because the country is shut down. Without gatherings like sporting events, school, church  and concerts, no stores (with the exception of mom+pop & big box essential stores with reduced hours and occupancy restrictions), most workplaces, most doctors, restaurants and even most outdoor parks and  gathering places our contact is greatly reduced

Even though we (Americans) haven’t been exactly cooperating individually, there has still been A LOT less opportunity for the virus to spread and yet spread it has and at an alarming rate considering how much our contact has been reduced. I look at those numbers and that it is warming up, so it is not the ‘season’ for viruses to spread. I am aware that if we don’t do something to take care of it now and prepare to shut back down, everything will just be harder laterThe anticipated hardship will become true hardship if, we don’t get ready now.

“I have friends and people I know that work in the medical field that have had hours cut because of no patients. People started to find this sort of information out and realized that this virus is not as bad as what they are telling us to believe.”

Of course your friends in the medical profession don’t have patients… I go to 3-4 doctors a month normally, I’ve only done ‘Telehealth’ appointments and the tests that monitor my progression just aren’t being done. Those medical professionals that take care of anything other that acute care, are going to be without patients. That’s how it works.

Those doctors and patients need to get back together, the conditions that are worsening or not being diagnosed even, are so tragic. It is awful to think that we were so close to really having this under control and now we are rushing to undo all of that progress to have to start all over, again. There is likely going to be way worse infection rates and economic hardships the next time too. I am really concerned about the amount of life saving medical care that I am going to need in my future and the real possibility that it won’t be available.

ICU staff especially are highly specialized professionals that could not just be replaced by just anyone who’s in the medical field. We desperately need them too…it is awful to see how many of our most valuable and in demand healthcare workers are being infected, dying or are extremely traumatized from the amount of suffering and death. They are begging for everyone to take it seriously and prevent it from spreading as much as possible. They are already close to breaking and we are just a few months in, we can’t keep being careless to show how “tough” “free” and “important” we are.

Reality Check
UK Nurse

“And then theres the whole Hydroxychloroquine deal. Doctors are coming out trying to tell the public that there is no protocol but some just tried the HQC, zinc, and zpack and VOILA patients were doing SO MUCH BETTER.”

Because of the misinformation about those medications, I have a shortage of my medication that I have been taking for years. People are taking it when they shouldn’t and it is making them really sick.

The drug is not safe for everyone to take, and it can cause severe side effects such as impaired vision, hearing loss, paranoia and cardiac arrhythmias which could be fatal for people taking anti-depressants or patients with heart problems.

Mark Ryan, the President of the AAPCC and Director of the Louisiana Poison Center, said about the dangers of taking the drug, saying: “We’ve heard about the combination of hydroxychloroquine and antibiotic azithromycin, which has the potential to cause some abnormalities in heart rhythm. That’s a concern for the people who have never taken it before and then take a large dose or someone who isn’t under doctor supervision.”

Trump is taking it based on small initial studies out of China (the results of which have since been questioned by other Chinese scientists), even though some other international studies later showed more mortality because of the effects on the heart.

UK Coverage of Disinfectant Gaffe

The side effects of Hydroxychloroquine are truly scary for many reasons:

  • feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
  • can hear your thoughts
  • feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
  • increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid 
  • uncontrolled twisting movements of the neck, trunk, arms, or legs
  • unusual behavior 
  • red irritated eyes

Common: Emotional lability (sudden changes in emotion and behaviors of inappropriately high intensity that may include sudden bouts of anger, dysphoria, sadness, or euphoria)

PLEASE Read those again… 

DW-German News Coverage of Hydroxychloroquine

In addition to some things that we definitely don’t want the President and his blind, often armed (not talking about any of you!) followers experiencing cognitively… it also causes a big ole long list of things including permanent eye damage, heart problems so just taking it, is dangerous.

DW – German News Coverage of Michigan Protesters

Fauci is relying on a panel of expert’s recommendations and they aren’t recommending HQC because it doesn’t have the consistent results to justify a fast track. It would be irresponsible and dangerous, for him to do so especially considering it has actually caused a severe heart response in patients around the world. Currently the panel of experts that Fauchi has brought together, are not recommending any drug because none of them technically have enough evidence.

France Hydroxychloroquine Study

“However Gates and Fauci want to go with a drug that costs $1000 a pill.” 

Remdesivir is helping consistently according to an international study, not just Fauci’s study. That there is a drug that is consistently able to show positive results is hugely exciting! It means a successful drug is possible… That he changed the standard of care this early, is huge and he should be commended as well. It is something the ALS and other terminal illness communities have been fighting for, so hopefully it will create a change for other dangerous diseases. Bravo President Trump and Dr Fauci!

Remdesivir Explanation

“I know people that do have immunity restrictions and they do need to be more careful. I do not want them to die. I do not want them to catch anything. But the fact is people are wanting to get back to their lives and back to providing for themselves and their families.”

Trust me, the people with compromised immune systems, that have lung disease, asthma, high blood pressure, heart conditions, weakened immunity, obesity, diabetes, liver disease and kidney problems or are over the age of 65, all want to get back to their lives, provide for themselves and they have no interest in holding anyone back.

Those at high-risk are also a significant portion of our country and even more so in certain areas. The initial report that this is a disease that doesn’t effect children at all, younger people mildly and is only truly dangerous to the very elderly and sick is not accurate. I understand it is what we all want to still be true but it just plain isn’t. We have to realize just how dangerous this virus is to just how many people.

I want the country to re-open every bit as much as every one else, I am just asking for it to be done in a SUSTAINABLE way.

If we re-open and attempt to just go back to “normal” without cooperation or means to get control of the spread, it will not only be too dangerous for me and everyone else high risk to open their businesses and patronize other businesses but it will continue to cause the businesses that can re-open to have to close because of staff infections and area medical facilities being overwhelmed. We are already seeing re-closings happening all over the world and here.

Australia Coverage

“It doesn’t matter what any one person wants unless they are the 1%. None of us will dictate anything. Coming together as a whole for sure yes but telling people to stay home.

Obviously not going to fly anymore.”

I wish we could just get back to our lives but our lives as we knew them are no longer there. We have to recognize that this is not political and come together to take care of each other during this and demand that our Government unite us again.

The Federal Government needs to give the country uniform guidelines to reopen based on the scientific knowledge of this virus that we are so fortunate to have. Even if it is not what people want to hear.

We are so fortunate to be fighting the virus this late in the game, because it reached us after so many other countries before us and we can learn from their mistakes and successes. This method is proven to work and the states with Governor’s that are trying to follow the the Federal Government’s recommendations and the methods that are proven successful are getting death threats. The armed protesters and the people that are so angry about the recommendations, refusing to cooperate, are making it impossible for me and my fellow “at risk” people to participate in the economy. This is not going to work.

Australia News Coverage

“How about the Governor of CA and WA wanting to take your kids away if they test positive… WTF is that about.”

I have NO IDEA what that is about and would love to know… I haven’t heard about it and only found initiatives by California, to ensure foster kids were taken care of. I am so glad you brought it up though, lets not get hung up on who is in charge when it is happening, whether it is a Democrat or a Republican, I think we can all agree that removing kids from parents (unless there is abuse of course), and endangering children in anyway, is one of the cruelest and stupidest things a government can do.

Those children will grow up so traumatized, angry and lost, not to mention entire families that are tortured by it and wanting retaliation at any cost (at least that’s how I would be)… Right now we are immediately deporting unaccompanied minors that are coming here for asylum. Please when we come together, whether we are for continuing to be a country that welcomes immigrants or one that denies them entry, let’s agree that we absolutely will NOT support the separation or endangerment of children, under any circumstance. We are better than that.

“The Governors of NM and CA are seriously going against the Constitution and taking away my freedoms and rights. I will not stand for it.”

The CATO Institute put out this great article that really clears things up. This is definitely NOT a political issue it is a Global Public Health Emergency, so it shouldn’t matter but because it seems to have been turned political, The CATO Institute is about far from “liberal”as you can get.  When churches are proven to be one of the most dangerous places for the spread of this virus, restricting the assembly within them is not only logical, it is judicially supported. The restrictions on places of worship was never about restricting worship, it was about restricting assembling, when that is a favorite way for this virus to spread.

It turns out historically, protecting citizens from diseases is very much a part of the Constitution.

“As for the Framers, they were intimately acquainted with the dangers of epidemics, which had ravaged the colonies as well as wiping out much of the Indian population. From its outset, American constitutional law, like the colonial law that preceded it, recognized states’ and cities’ police power during true emergencies to intercept the sorts of otherwise harmless movements and actions that can turn well‐​meaning individuals into vectors of physical harm to others.

Bans on assembly, movement, and badly needed economic activity? Citizens of the early Republic went through all these and much more. Churches shut their doors. People were routinely cooped up in their homes — contrary to some recent speculation, there was no general practice of applying restrictions only to the sick. Not long after the adoption of the new Constitution, the nation’s capital of Philadelphia was struck with a deadly outbreak of yellow fever; persons fleeing the city in the direction of places like Baltimore were turned back at gunpoint, while Alexander Hamilton and his wife Eliza, after surviving the illness, had to undergo quarantine at the behest of authorities in Albany, N.Y. whence they had fled.

In Massachusetts, to take another example, a 1797 law provided that a person “coming from any place out of this state, where the small pox or other malignant distemper is prevailing, into any town within this state,” shall be obliged to obey the commands of selectmen to depart the state “in such manner, and by such road as the said selectmen shall direct.” The measure made it unlawful for any resident to entertain in his house such a person ordered to leave, monce warned of the circumstance”

While I totally get the frustration and refusal to cooperate in the Governor’s Restrictions, I also understand that we are a community and nation that is way stronger together.

If I ran into you, any of you, on the street and I explained that wearing a mask would help keep me safe and alive, would make it safe for me and most of the community, to open our business, go shopping and go on living … I think every single one of you would do it, in a heartbeat, graciously and with dedication.

Please just forget who asked you and how she asked you. Just remember why you were asked and who it is helping. Please realize that this is not political. In fact any Democratic Governor that put restrictions in place, did so following the recommendations of the Republican Federal Government and President Trump’s White House. I totally get the frustration and refusal to cooperate but is it unreasonable when you really stop to think about it? When you consider who it is helping and that by not cooperating you are potentially extending the amount of time we are all suffering.

I understand completely how hard it is and I think putting the states in charge, is the absolute wrong way to handle this crisis.

By putting each Governor in charge, we are only dividing more, causing more loss of everything, we are prolonging the suffering and the time it takes to recover. What the Governors in California and New Mexico are doing is not sustainable and won’t be effective because the rest of the country is doing something different but they are scared of killing their people unnecessarily. You can’t recover from death.  It is awful unless you look at how hard hit New York and now the Navajo Nation is in comparison. The recovery on all levels is going to be much harder for them and they will end up being shut down the same length, or longer.

This is a brutal situation, it sucks and we need each other more than ever right now. 

The Governors should not have to do this on their own. Because they are the only person truly “winning” is Putin, who has made it his life’s work to undo the USA the same way we did his beloved USSR. There’s a conspiracy theory for you, playing out right in front of our faces. We need to come together and demand that this economy start to be handled responsibly. If we don’t we will end up being, yet another, Donald Trump Bankruptcy that Russia, Saudi (or China) will have to rescue, as they have with his other debacles. 

The behavior of those that are refusing to follow the Federal Government’s and their Governor’s recommendations are only prolonging the process.

Yes I do think this is about a whole lot more than a virus comparable to the flu.” 

First of all, this is NOT comparable to the flu. It is not guaranteed that I would die from the flu for starters…

  • Here is a dear friend’s daughter in law (who is a hell of a lot younger than 65) – was on a respirator for 27 days and in the hospital for over 50 days – she is a nurse who is urging people, begging people to please take it seriously and that it is not comparable to the flu. 
  • Here is the Governor of NJ saying it is not comparable to the flu because they lost the same amount of people in 3 days as they had lost to the flu last year

“MIS-C has been described as inflammation (swelling) across multiple body systems, potentially including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal organs. Signs and symptoms of MIS-C include fever and various symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, and feeling tired.

If your child has any of these symptoms, other symptoms of COVID-19, or other concerning signs, contact your pediatrician. If your child is showing any emergency warning signs including trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face, severe abdominal pain, or other concerning signs, seek emergency care right away.”

I understand why you think it is “like the flu”- The messages are so confusing.

From the UK

“Yes I do think the mainstream media is spreading fear big time.” 

If this is a scare campaign it is being done worldwide not just by our mainstream media. I see it as information that we need in order to understand how much we are threatened both individually and as a whole, so that we know how to conduct ourselves safely. This “scare campaign” has informed the citizens of other countries how to successfully stop the spread, as it should be doing here.

This speculation and misinformation campaign is not only killing people, it is killing our economy because it is distracting us from the actions we need to be taking in order to successfully navigate this Public Health Crisis and dividing us further. We need to come together and demand that a comprehensive and proven plan is put into place by the experts both medical and economic. The truth is that we are faced with an unprecedented problem that has been grossly mishandled, so we need corrective measures put into place immediately before it is too late. 

It is almost painful to watch Trump’s inability to acknowledge his mistakes because he is more concerned about his reelection than the (literal & figurative) health of the country. I sincerely hope you are able to see his mistakes and if you can’t, I sincerely hope you are able look at yourself and figure out why. This is an unprecedented Global Public Health Emergency that is beyond anything that any leader has had to navigate a country through and right now he is failing miserably and needing our help to get on track.

Donald Trump has never even had to navigate a personal health crisis, (which we know is extremely educational) let alone a public one, like the world has never seen. This is a situation where having experience as a Governor or even Mayor is very helpful. The resources and procedures are completely unfamiliar for a business man. We have to remember that Donald Trump didn’t even have to work his way up in business to gain the experience and understanding of solving problems from the ground up. Of course he has made mistakes. 

His mishandling is completely understandable and acceptable even, what is not acceptable is his inability to acknowledge it and correct his actions, because it is costing lives, both literally and figuratively . We do not know what is best and we need Trump and his cronies to stop telling people what they want to hear because they are only worried about being re-electcted We know Trump won’t stop focusing on his re-election, he has been laser focused on it his entire term.

So we need YOU and a couple million of your “peeps” to let President Trump know that he is safe, even if he delivers news that isn’t what everyone wants to hear right now. We need y’all to let him know that you can see his mistakes and reassure him that by acknowledging them and taking the steps to correct them he will be way “safer” than if he keeps acting as if he is “perfect” and misleading everyone to prolonged suffering and failure. We need you to insist that he put experts in charge of this crisis, not his son-in-law, who’s only qualification is the guarantee that he will always say what you want to hear and more importantly praise his father- in-law.

Is he really who you want to be in charge of a Public Health Emergency? Some of the news will not be what anyone wants to hear, to deliver that news and help us get through, is the role of leaders, we need all of them to start doing their job, especially those at the top. Ironically those of us at the bottom are the only ones who can force them to do what we need.

“Yes I do think population control is needed but as I’ve already stated NOT WITH BEINGS ALREADY LIVING. I DO NOT WANT LIVING BEINGS TO SUFFER.”

I know none of us want anything to suffer, not really, which is why I know you don’t want to move forward in a way that is proven to cause more suffering both physical and financial. Sweden is a much healthier country than we are and they are not “winning”, not by a long shot… IF this is a virus that causes immunity after you get it and it lasts long enough to matter (which is still NOT known), we would loose millions of people unnecessarily, this is proven.

Herd immunity is ideally gained from vaccinations, not from infections. We would still need to “shutdown” multiple time to ensure that our medical system could handle all of the infections. Not only would millions of people die but the residual health problems in the majority of the population who would have to contract the virus would cause incredible suffering, both physical and financial.

“No where have a I ever said that I am for population control by killing who is already alive. Unlike Gates and his puppet masters, they do want already living people to die.” 

I also know that you do not want to cause unnecessary death, but that is exactly what has happened and what is continuing to happen. We have to come together and demand better. If anyone is behind this or stands to prosper from it, your inaction now only helps their cause. We can research and wonder about those things after it is under control and we are taking care of ourselves and each other in this reality. To be distracted by this now, is to do exactly what “They” want you to.

“If the United States had begun imposing social distancing measures one week earlier than it did in March, about 36,000 fewer people would have died in the coronavirus outbreak, according to new estimates from Columbia University disease modelers.

And if the country had begun locking down cities and limiting social contact on March 1, two weeks earlier than most people started staying home, the vast majority of the nation’s deaths — about 83 percent — would have been avoided, the researchers estimated.”

We have to look to the countries that have successfully managed this. Knowing how much you hate suffering, you have to see how much suffering has happened and is continuing to happen and demand that it be corrected immediately.

Australia got it’s first case 4 days after we did, they had a coordinated effort to shutdown and stop the infection and it worked… They have had less that 100 deaths and less than 7000 infections, it can work. It is okay that mistakes were made, hell, none of us could comprehend this and unless you’ve been in Government, you couldn’t have predicted it. Please let’s unify and demand better from all of our leaders, so that we can get through this successfully. 

Australia vs America

“I don’t watch mainstream media, so I’m not being manipulated.”

Anyone who is getting their information from any singular “side” is being manipulated, be that from the “right” or the “left”. Anyone who is seeking out answers to fit the “truth” as they want it to be, to match their desires or wants, is being ridiculous. I haven’t had a television for over 25 years in case you think that I am being manipulated by the mainstream media, I have never even seen an episode of “Friends”.

Anyone who is taking the musings, “feelings”, thoughts, ideas, imaginings, deductions and theories of Urgent Care and General Internists, Endocrinologists, Hospice Physicians and scorned scientists, none who have access to the information or equipment to properly and truly study this virus, over the official findings of  Virologists, Epidemiologists, Infectious Disease Physicians Cardiologists, Hematologists, Pulmonologists and Intensive Care Physicians that are working tirelessly around the world to figure this virus out, are completely brainwashed and obviously not thinking straight.

Doctor’s Point by Point Assessment

The best minds and laboratories around the world are all dedicated to figuring out, not only how to prevent and treat this virus, but also all of it’s ramifications as it ravages our bodies. It is changing all of the time because this is brand new to humans and they are continuously discovering new things about it, not to control us, but to inform us. 

“The people that do watch it (mm) damn sure are (being manipulated) and it’s been studied and put to test under the CIA and can be proven.” 

The manipulation of the information that is being presented to all of us online,  by the algorithms that show us only the things that support only the story that we want, is obvious, accepted and widely known. Researchers say that nearly half of the Twitter accounts discussing ‘reopening America’ may be bots. That they often use misinformation generated by the Russians, is also well documented and proven. That the Russians are interfering not only with the elections but also with our perception of each other on both sides, is not only proven by President Trump’s intelligence service while simultaneously blocked by the Justice Department… where is your outrage at that?! 

I understand the Donald Trump does not want to acknowledge that the Russians are manipulating the narrative and working to divide us further, because it is the exact thing he is doing. I understand why he would fight like hell for us to not see his taxes because it is well documented that the Russians were the only ones who would give him money to keep bankrupting businesses.

I understand why the Russians would want to divide us, weaken us and watch democracy fail, as we did with the USSR and communism. What I don’t understand is why you and the other few million of you, are playing right into their hands.

How are you not outraged that Russia has anything to do with our elections and is tearing us apart? Why do you continue to let it happen?!

You have to seek the truth. Go beyond what is being shown to you and what you want the “truth” to be. You may have seen and read most of the attached articles and videos, they are primarily from other countries. It is so insightful to see how we are portrayed and perceived by the rest of the world. I also think it is important. Our appearance of strength is seriously suffering, we need to do something before our reality matches our appearance.

Equally split your news sources between your source, what the “other side’s” source is and what another country is saying about the same thing. Listen to the front line workers not the armchair philosophers. The media is such an important part of Democracy, it is written into the Constitution, we have to demand news sources that are unbiased and legally required to report all of the facts again, like it used to be. I trust that you will read and watch what you haven’t that I have attached here. If you won’t consider or even watch any other perception than your own, then you are, without question, being manipulated.

But an examination of his career reveals that Ailes has used Fox News to pioneer a new form of political campaign – one that enables the GOP to bypass skeptical reporters and wage an around-the-clock, partisan assault on public opinion. The network, at its core, is a giant soundstage created to mimic the look and feel of a news operation, cleverly camouflaging political propaganda as independent journalism.

The result is one of the most powerful political machines in American history. One that plays a leading role in defining Republican talking points and advancing the agenda of the far right.


There are a few true journalists on each channel but inevitably they are not as popular as the entertainers that are more interested in a personal following, instead of the facts. When Trump calls the media, which is included in the Constitution, to ask the hard questions and expose all aspects of the government, “the enemy of the people”, every time they do just that, where is your outrage? We have witnessed President Trump insult and berate anyone who doesn’t do or say what he wants, time and again. It is no wonder we all, right and left, as a country dismiss anything and anyone that doesn’t agree with us.

It is human nature to reject information we don’t want and seek out support for what we do and I think everyone can agree that, with the internet, we could find supporting documentation for just about anything.  This is especially true  when we have a leader that is doing it all of the time. Both the “right” and the “left” are unable to accept unwanted information and they want to eliminate, cancel and now even kill the “other”.  In order to defeat this virus we have to come together and accept that reality isn’t what we want it to be right now.

“Cowboys For Trump” in TorC, NM protesting 25% church occupancy during a Global Pandemic. Masks and Social Distancing Precautions were shunned and rejected.
ZERO dollars raised for the community, small businesses, needy families or people impacted by the virus.

I am so fortunate to have really close friends on both sides of the political spectrum and I soon realized that people on both “sides” right and left are using the same points and materials to make the case for downplaying this threat because it is just a fear campaign to control us. There are people on the right and the left who feel we should just return to “normal” and get back to it. They are convinced that there’s really nothing to fear and we are making ourselves sicker and allowing everything we have worked for to be taken from us.  The people on the “left” politically are even using Trump, when he is encouraging the same narrative (not when he was saying the exact opposite), as some kind of “proof”. 

This is definitely not Political, there are people from both political parties wanting to pretend this isn’t what it is and people from both parties who are accepting this reality. This is about those that believe what is happening in the rest of the world, what the experts are predicting and wanting to follow their advice and example to succeed and those that don’t and are unwilling to accept or do anything other than what they want, even when there is so much evidence to show that their desired behavior is detrimental to, well, everyone.

This is a reality no-one wants and pretending it is not happening, will not make it go away.

“I friggin love who you are and the person that you are. I can love you and still want the economy to open up. I can wish the best for you and want the economy to open up. And I do.”

This is where our power is, right here. It is so true for so many of us. Deep down we ALL WANT THE SAME THINGS. We just have different ideas of how to get there. We have different ideas, not because we want to be contrary, or difficult but because we have different life experiences, different sources and different talents. THAT DIVERSITY IS WHAT MAKE AMERICA GREAT. We have to remember that this country without the other “side”, whichever one it is, is fascism. It is the coming together and the incorporation of the “other side”, that makes us the strongest and the best.

Let’s seize this opportunity to come together and defeat this virus. The 1%, the Russians, the Deep State, the Political Machine all of “Them” don’t want us to come together. Let’s set aside our differences and realize that we have way more in common than we do different. That is who we are.

In addition to being seriously sick AF, I also own a business, a building and personally do massage, in addition to providing a place for other therapists to provide them as well. Massage is a profession that requires me to touch, without a barrier, other people for extended periods of time in a small room, it is my passion, like riding horses is to you and is the only reason I am still able to move, it is so important to my physical, mental and emotional well being. 

Our clients are often visitors from both the East or West Coasts or they are older and at risk locals who are coming to us for relief. Considering my situation I HAVE to get to the bottom of just how contagious, dangerous and threatening this virus is, and what the best way to proceed is, even if the answers aren’t what I want them to be. 

Turning resorts around, making businesses that were written off and beyond hope, thrive, prosper and succeed is my specialty. I have bankrupted zero businesses so far and I earned and award for Excellence in Leadership from the state for the work I did as president of our downtown revitalization organization, I am not speaking as someone without experience and I most definitely am not saying what I wish were the case or what is good for me. 

“What each individual has to do for themselves and for their own situations is a little different for per individual person and I get that.”

We have to realize that this is not political and come together in order to succeed. If it were smart or even possible for everyone who is younger than 65 and healthy to return to life as it was, trust me I would be all for it and so would every single person who isn’t able to face this virus. We all want the same thing. We all want to get “back to work and to normal” but we also want this economy and this country to be strong and stable.

This isn’t about the people that are threatened demanding that everyone else stay isolated too, that never happened. This isn’t about Democrats trying to destroy anything, that never happened either. There is no “going back to normal”,  there is no economy with most people afraid of infection for themselves or someone they love. 

 I am speaking out because I can see so clearly that we are heading for disaster and that we might be able to still correct it and prevent more unnecessary suffering, both physically and economically. You should know that I am not following any narrative.

Anyone who knows me will know that I would sacrifice ANYTHING for the good of everyone. To have my (and so many other’s) business, my passion and ability to interact with other people taken away, (probably forever for me because I’m fading fast) by people I care deeply about because they are buying a narrative that isn’t true and to have it be so against everyone’s best interests, is sickening. I can’t stand by and just let it happen.

I love, respect and admire you so much and there are so many others that I genuinely love and care about, on both “sides” that are being distracted, manipulated and divided at a time that we need to be unified and focused. Our division and inability to make sacrifices for the health of our nation, might just be our demise. 

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200


  • Celebrities

    wonderful put up, very informative. I wonder why the opposite specialists of this sector do not notice this. You must continue your writing. I am sure, you have a huge readers’ base already!

  • Sazi

    “United we Stand” indeed!! Thank you so very much… I’m afraid a “big time” wake up call is inevitable…

  • Sazi

    I remember how hard it was for me to let “getting back to normal” go and recognize all of the magic, opportunity and capabilities that were at my fingertips all along… We have such a beautiful opportunity to come together… thank you so much for this Wendy, I appreciate your observations and vantage point so much.

  • wendy sager evanson

    hey there Sazi
    what time, energy and care you put into this heartfelt composition !
    thank you especially for all the links to talks and podcasts through out the piece- so much diligence!
    showing how much you care & respect for the many viewpoints and compassion with the unknown, the scary, and bottom line helplessness everyone is experiencing in their own ways

    how hard it is to accept that… we will not go back to “normal” – that we are in global times of re- evaluation and reflection
    perhaps the theme of
    “personal freedom” and both personal and collective care and collective responsibility is at the heart of all that is transpiring

    as a nation- the people have not been well taken care of-
    the well known addage “follow the money”
    will show what is happening leaving ao many vulnerable and marginalized seeking to find SOMETHING to grab hold on to feel some sense of personal power- while the systems and institutions rape and pillage so successfully- leaving the average person, small businesses and families to live on the crumbs and programed so skillfully by media run by the ones controlling money, resources and politics-
    …. turning people against one another only serves this dark and deadly trajectory where the very rich run he world

    you are right
    unity with people – with heart and care is the way to a world better than it was in the past “normal”
    if any place has a shotbat this T or C is in the running!

    may solutions to supporting everyone come through this time well and healthy and strong be found!
    much love

  • Kelly

    Wow, I am near speechless…what a fabulous write up including all the videos as well…thank you….you are a brilliant ray of light with clarity abd compassion…i love you and applaud you

  • Kasey

    Wow Sazi!! So much good important stuff here.

    I hate to be the one to mention this, but all this needed clarity, might fall on deaf ears😢
    It just seems that peoples mind are made up. At this point, we can only hope for the best. Thank you for this. I learned from it.

    I sincerely wish it wasn’t so!

    Tons of metta Sazi Shandiin Marri🙏💚💜🖤🙏

  • robin greenley

    thank you, Sazi.
    Your hard work to pull together and process this information with consideration and logic is how each of us should be approaching these tough discussions and decisions. The demand for and seeming availability of “instant gratification” has warped concepts of what being a nation can accomplish.
    United we stand, divided we fall.
    stay safe.

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