Advocacy,  Tools

It’s Time For Us To Step Into The Light

All of the internal work we have been doing has prepared us for this moment of unity to assist the birth of light.

I have been told that I need to stop feeding the beast with my “fear and attention.” Asked instead to place “him” on extinguish. Told to focus my attention instead on only “creating my own peace and extending (ing) my heart to others.” When preparing and educating ourselves, we are told that “he” feeds off our fear and distress, so we should leave him be. There is a plea for us to starve him of attention, ignoring his mental illness and the behavior it is sure to cause because we will join his “cycle of self-destruction.” While this is the best path for some, I am approaching this abusive relationship and the death throes of this paradigm differently. We are only fulfilling different roles in this complex birth process. By staying informed, I am not joining “him” in self-destruction or adding to his strength.

The theory of starving the beast of attention and energy is one I embraced wholeheartedly until recently. An interview with Yuri Bazmenov, a defected Russian Spy, and KGB agent that studied American’s involvement in India’s spiritual movements, made me realize just how much that involvement has shaped my beliefs. I also realized how the enhancement of those beliefs had influenced my participation in the collective lack of action. Yuri explains how the KGB targeted those involved in India’s spiritual movements because those theories make us vulnerable. Our spiritual practices contribute significantly to their efforts with these very teachings.

I could see so clearly that this theory contributed to the current distance between the dark and the light, the left and the right, and the extreme intolerance of anything different. Where there should be a bridge and a connection, there only exists a wall of ignorance bordering a chasm of fear and hurt. Both sides have fallen into the pattern of practicing a lack of engagement. Those of us that are natural connectors could have been building bridges. Instead, we were focusing on starving “ the beast” by not giving any of it attention. 

We have all been victims of this information warfare, all of us. 

The foreign disinformation campaign has helped convince those of us who are the natural bridge builders (leaders who represent the light on both sides) that the way to “combat this rise of darkness” (in the form of polarization) was to shut it out completely (ignore it) while almost disparaging the other side (building a hurtful wall). This method has led us to have this gaping chasm full of hurt, fear, and, most importantly, misunderstanding (or ignorance) between the sides. 

We are left with leaders who primarily represent the darkness in the form of polarization; instead of building bridges, they contribute to the walls of hurt and misunderstanding. Leaders who are only adding to the fear, loathing, and confusion fill the void between us.

This targeting is happening on all sides. I look back on all the conversations I had with the “Spiritual Leaders” connected primarily to those on the right expressing their concerns with what they saw on the left while I expressed my concerns with what I saw on the right… Both of us concluded that working on ourselves and essentially “ignoring it” in the form of “not giving it attention/energy” was the best way forward. That has contributed to us being in this incredibly polarized environment with hardly any bridges between us. I can see so clearly now that it is by design. We have all been so affected by this information war.

There is a way to embrace the darkness, not turn our back on it. 

Embracing the darkness comes naturally to some of us, as does helping others do so. I think it is crucial for those of us who can face it head-on, eyes wide open, calling it out for precisely what it is. Once it is recognized as the shadow of such an incredibly powerful light, it can reconnect. It is time to remind the shadow that it naturally belongs behind the light, not wholly detached and leading, as it is now.

I feel that a large portion of us (like me) not giving the shadow, and the people who represent it, any attention over the last four years, have allowed Trumpism and the shadow it represents to become so powerful. He is now, for so many, the only leader, and that has brought us to the brink of THIS. Instead of only sending my heart light and love out to him and those who were being indoctrinated, I now wish that I had sent out some strict boundaries and reminders of who we are and what the light looks like, tangibly.

Clearly building connection is not everyone’s role or what everyone is comfortable doing. 

Some will be sending out light and shutting the darkness out; that’s very beautiful and beneficial. Those of us who can’t shut it out or even better can lend tangible light by assessing the reality of the situation, using it for education and preparation; we must do so, giving another way to frame what is happening, with a set of beneficial actions.

I agree we need to create more of our peace and extend our hearts to others; I am certainly trying to practice continuously. Trumpism, and more importantly, the shadow it represents, feeds off of our attention and grows with our fear and anger. I hope that rather than fear and anger, we can shift our anger and fear to focus and excitement for the unification, light, and real transformation that is coming.

I apologize if I have contributed to the shadow instead of welcoming it into the light in any way.

We are all figuring this out as we go, doing the best we can. I will undoubtedly check myself moving forward and appreciate being kept on that path, should I ever go astray. I think it is so crucial for those of us that are driven to build those bridges by sharing ways to perceive and frame this moment differently from how it is being done by the darkness, to do so.

 There are many Americans who are looking for connection and unity or bridges between “sides.” If the only way they find is burning, because we are still practicing our internal work, we do not fulfill our roles as Spiritual Leaders when we are called externally now.

It is time for many of us to come forth from our internal work to explore our inter-connectedness and be the diffusers of duality… Right/Left, Good/Evil, Negative/Positive, Birth/Death, Light/Shadow.. to be the bridges of connection this moment needs. This is a role you will step into naturally; your people will find you; you know who you are. You’ve got this.

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200


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