
Radicalization Revelations- How To Save Our Democracy

How forced fact-checking revealed the terrifying truth of who is really behind the threat to our Democracy, and what we must do to save it.

Above all else, I believe the gift of 2020 will be the opportunity for clear vision, how appropriate. However, the nature of clear vision is that it can reveal things we don’t agree with or want to see. Taking advantage of this gift will require the courage and grit to be willing to see it all, even the things you might be wrong about. If you are only willing to consume information that confirms your beliefs and ideas, this won’t be for you. If you believe you “know it all” without being open to the possibility that you might not, then you know where to go to find the things and people that agree with you. 

If, however, you are ready to look at hard truths and be part of the solution, I hope we can do it together. For America to return to our “Greatness” we must return to the core principle that this country was founded on, “From Many, One.” It is so alarming to see the attempt to convince everyone, with almost tribal isolation, that their “side” or beliefs and ways of doing things are “The Right” or “Only” way. This complete undermining of what an American is and what America stands for is dangerous, and we must stop participating

Groupthink and peer pressure are hard to resist, and those that want to control us know this. They don’t want people willing to step up, do, and say unpopular things to protect whoever they influence. Even if it is just within your family or amongst your friends, it starts with you. I have not had a television or consumed any mainstream media for over 25 years; this year, I have seen what a unique perspective this has given me. I can see so clearly why we have been taught to never talk about Politics and Religion and why the cancel culture is SO strong on BOTH sides. Not only is the discussion or expression of opposing views discouraged, but it is also virtually impossible, all of which is intentional.

If you are willing and able to be open to the possibility that you might not know it all and actually might be mistaken or misled about some things, then you are what those that want to suppress and control us fear the most, and now is your time to step up.

Why is it that EVERYONE, right and left, believes so strongly that their Representation, their Votes, their Democracy, and their Republic is under attack, with the “other” attempting to steal it right now? If you put two ants in a jar and shake it, they will eventually kill each other, convinced that the other ant was the enemy, when really their enemy is the jar shaker. What if our Democracy is in danger, with those in power manipulating us by shaking the jar, to believe that our allies as our enemies? What if we are actually helping our true enemies, those trying to steal our representation, to succeed?

2020 Insight

The latest opportunity for incredible 2020 insight happened when Fox News and News Max were forced to go online and admit that they had been knowingly and willingly lying about election integrity and fraud. The confession that they have been intentionally misleading their viewers to believe that the election was not valid is exceptionally informative. When it takes the threat of a lawsuit for Rupert Murdoch’s vast media conglomeration to acknowledge what has been proven for so long, even when it is about something so important and sacred as our Democracy, we can see just how little they care about the country and their viewers. It is so insightful to see the tactics that the vast web of right-wing information sources use on their viewers. Viewers they clearly care very little about if they are willing to manipulate them to believe and support these false claims, while indoctrinating them so cruelly.

According To Smartmatic:

 “Multiple fact-checkers have consistently debunked these false statements with stunning consistency and regularity.  They have no evidence to support their attacks on Smartmatic because there is no evidence.  This campaign was designed to defame Smartmatic and undermine legitimately conducted elections,” said Antonio Mugica, CEO of Smartmatic. “Our efforts are more than just about Smartmatic or any other company.  This campaign is an attack on election systems and election workers in an effort to depress confidence in future elections and potentially counter the will of the voters, not just here, but in democracies around the world.”

Smartmatic Letter Demanding Justice for Defamation

These realizations are crucial because they show us that there has been a sustained and coordinated disinformation campaign “attacking election systems” designed to ” counter the voters’ will,” all of the voters, left and right. We can not ignore this blatant attack on Democracy. This means that most trusted and watched cable Networks in America have been engaged in an attack on their viewer’s rights. This revelation also forces us to scrutinize the left-leaning media sources and see if they are trying to keep us divided and undermine our Representation. No one wants to be lied to or misled, especially if it is to their and their country’s demise.

Creating An Alternate Reality Using Disinformation, Propaganda, and Lies

As the most-watched networks in the country, Fox News and now NewsMax are causing a considerable portion of America to Embrace philosophies that are the polar opposite of the American ideals our founding fathers’ intended. They have joined Breitbart, talk radio shows, and internet shows like Steve Bannon’s “War Room” to use outright lies, propaganda, and disinformation to create a genuinely terrifying and threatening alternative reality with little to no basis in facts. The indoctrination of such a large portion of Americans who believe fully in this alternative reality is threatening the survival of the fragile experiment that is Democracy. We can no longer turn a blind eye or shrug off this danger.

The claims that this election is fraudulent are clearly about the Elite Ruling Class attempting to seize even more power while milking as much money as possible from Trump’s base of loyal followers who are susceptible to these outrageous claims. These dedicated followers have proven that bogus “election fraud” claims are even more lucrative than the lead up to the election was. Even when the fine print clearly states that any donation under $8K is not contributing to fighting the election, the money still pours in, and the entrenchment of the indoctrination deepens, so the claims continue.

Let’s be clear; there is no question that this election was 100% valid, legal, secure, and that Joe Biden was elected President. The fact that Trump’s “legal team” has lost over 59 out of 60 court cases without having even one claim validated should be more than enough to invalidate these claims. The Trump Team’s willingness to accept all of the other election results without question should invalidate these claims. Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell, Chris Christy, and even Kris Krebs, Trump’s election cybèrbsecurity official, calling this “the most secure election in modern history” should have stopped these claims from continuing. This is clearly an attack on Democracies all over the world.

These GOP officials are pointing to multiple recounts, including 3 in Georgia, all of which came to the same conclusion, that Biden’s win was decisive. When anyone who acknowledges that this election is valid is subsequently eliminated or punished, we must admit what is happening. Those still claiming that this election is not decided are undeniably attempting to seize power away from the people, ALL of the people, right and left. The President is trying to organize a coup; violence is being incited against election officials, why are those in power not stopping it?

How Democracy Dies

This rhetoric is how the children of over 70 million Americans will grow up believing that the legitimately elected President is not the actual President. Without faith in the election and our institutions, Democracy will die. This indoctrination is how these same children will feel that their neighbors and friends who think differently than they do are “the enemy” and shouldn’t have any representation at all, which is the opposite of what America stands for.

This Right-Wing alternate reality has already convinced nearly half of America that the election was stolen, invalidating our Democracy. They use fear-mongering and lies to insist that a Democratic President will usher in Communism and strip us of all of our freedoms.  These indoctrination tactics have created many Americans to dangerously believe that there is no room in this diverse melting pot for any other ideas, beliefs, and ways besides their own. They feel that their beliefs, ways, and values are under attack, a belief system built on lies, to keep us from coming together.

Fear Mongering, Lies, Propaganda and Disinformation Campaigns Are Being Used To Manipulate Americans

For so long, right-wing media has openly been a propaganda machine, peddling fear that feeds on the massive desperation felt by so many Americans. Desperation and want that has increased substantially with the Pandemic and that corporate billionaire elites, like Mr. Murdoch, have created by funding the GOP politicians, ensuring that they construct a system that benefits the corporate elite almost entirely. The Elite Ruling Class has taken full advantage of these benefits, like paying little to no taxes, widening an already obscene wealth gap by continuing to acquire more. In contrast, the average American continues to have less.

It is clear that the corporate and billionaire owners, like Mr. Murdoch, need average Americans to remain divided so that they can keep us from coming together to demand representation. Opinion show hosts, like Tucker Carlson, are mouthpieces for the corporate billionaire elite, who own the media networks. These opinion show anchors, who are millionaires themselves, have been steadily indoctrinating the American people with propaganda and lies that feed on their fears to emotionally manipulate and convince them to vote against their best interests. 

“Fox News lawyers claim, (Tucker) Carlson is not “stating actual facts” but simply engaging in “non-literal commentary.” Newly Trump elected Federal Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil used this claim to dismiss a defamation case. —  “Vyskocil bought the argument Fox News was pushing that Carlson is, first and foremost, not a provider of “the news” as we know it, or “facts” as we commonly understand them, and his audience knows this.”

Slate – “Judge Rules Tucker Carlson Is Not a Credible Source of News“- By ELLIOT HANNON

Interestingly, while Tucker and his fellow mouthpieces for the Elites encourage Americans not to get vaccinated and warn of Universal Healthcare ushering in Communism, Rupert Murdoch is getting vaccinated and praising the socialized medicine that delivers the vaccination to him in the UK. The fear-mongering about proposals to expand existing social programs proposed by Democrats is not because there is a danger of them leading to Communism, as they claim over and over and over again, but because the Corporate Elite would have to pay their fair share of taxes in those proposals. In many cases, these programs will be paid for by reenacting the mid-century tax brackets that were very successful before the Corporate Elite overtook our Government, doing away with all tax codes that require them to pay and are proven to work.

If Communism sued for fact-checking, Right-Wing Media would need to point out that:

  • The socialist countries that devolved from Democracy into Communism did so because of Autocratic Leaders coming into power.
  • The socialist countries that are Democracies, like Norway, are quite successful.
  • They would have to show that for America to become either Democratic Socialist or a Communist Socialist country would take a massive overhaul of the way we govern.
  • Communism would only be possible if power were stolen or given to an Autocratic leader with the same temperament Donald Trump has.
  • American Politicians who are Democratic Socialists are not leading us to Communism.

If Right-Wing Media Fact Checked Their Claims:

If public health, climate change, abortion, church and state separation, science, and Homeland Security could demand accurate reporting the way that Smartmatic did, then Right-Wing Media would have a lot of explaining do. They have been creating an Alternate Reality around all of these critical subjects where the “evil, liberal, radical Democrats” are entirely to blame. These lies are repeated like a broken record in a tactic that Dictators and Cult leaders use to brainwash their followers into helping them overthrow Democracy.

This attack on facts, scientists, experts, and reason has convinced a large portion of the population that someone who is not qualified and saying what you want to hear should be listened to above the expert saying what you don’t want to hear. When is that ever a good idea? That is like taking your dog to the vet, and when the receptionist says that he is fine because his tail still wags. The Veterinarian says that his tests show he has diabetes and his kidneys are failing, and a wagging tail doesn’t indicate anything. You believe the receptionist. It makes no sense, yet these Americans are approaching so many critical things that require all of our participation and cooperation in this way.

The truth is that we are facing a lot of hard realities that no one wants to be true, NO ONE. The claim that the Americans who are listening to the Veterinarian are doing so because they WANT their dog to be sick, even though they are suffering and losing just as much as their science-denying counterparts. Those following expert advice respond to these situations that no one wants the way those most qualified are recommending because that is how they believe we will succeed, not because they want them to be that way. Anyone who is encouraging this behavior clearly wants to divide us, undermine Democracy, and seize our power from us.

As the shining example of the West and Democracy worldwide, many foreign adversaries want us to fail, either because we caused their demise or because our example of freedom and representation is causing their populace to want the same. We must be prepared for attacks that are using Information as a weapon to divide us, encouraging us to use our freedoms against society’s best interests while attacking experts and science; these tactics have caused Democracy to fail worldwide. We can’t let it happen here.

If Abortion Could Sue For Factual Reporting, the right-wing media and GOP politicians would admit that they are emotionally manipulating voters.

By making abortion a “for” killing babies versus against killing babies, which simplifies and emotionally charges a complex subject. These politicians use emotional manipulation to force people to vote for the candidate against killing babies, even if they support policies that also hurt the voter. The truth is that NO ONE is “for” killing babies, NO ONE. By framing it in this way, people are easily convinced that “the other” side is evil, somehow enjoying abortions when the truth is that they also want to reduce the number of abortions. They just have a different idea of how to do it. By listening to those trying to frame your pro-choice neighbor as an evil baby murderer, you are falling into their trap.

Someone who is Pro-choice is about small Government and keeping the Government out of medical decisions. Those who are Pro-Choice want to ensure that a medical procedure, which will happen regardless of if it is legal or not, is regulated and safely available to prevent it from happening in unsanitary, unsafe, and horrendous situations.

If Right-Wing Media reported accurately about abortion, they would show that Abortion rates decline under Democrat/Pro-Choice Administrations because education and the accessibility to contraceptives prevent abortion, not regulating or outlawing it. If GOP Politicians spoke about abortion accurately, they would acknowledge that anyone who finds themselves faced with that decision is in a tough situation that no one wants to be in. Instead of emotionally manipulating voters, they would look at the reality of what happens when countries outlaw abortion, as they are wanting to, making reproduction entirely controlled by the Government. It is so important that we are able to make informed decisions about these sensitive and complex subjects.

If the Separation Of Church and State and Religious Freedom Could Demand Fact-Checking, they would admit that they encourage the evangelical Christians to give up their greatest protection against Religious Persecution.

Politicians and Anchors would point out that a healthy Democracy representing a country comprised of multiple races, cultures, and religions would reflect that diversity. If we want to protect our Religious Freedom and the right to worship, the Separation of Church and State must be strictly adhered to.

Suppose a Christian President or Governor declared the Country or State a Christian one. Introducing Christian Prayer and worship into government functions, essentially inflicting their Religion and practices upon those who do not share it. In that case, a Buddhist, Islamic, Agnostic, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah Witness, or Jewish President or Governor could do the same, inflicting their Religion and practices onto you. This Religious Persecution is quite literally what our Founding Fathers wanted to prevent our Government from doing.

I am deeply saddened to watch Right-Wing Media and Politicians who use fear tactics to manipulate Religious viewers with lies and disinformation emotionally. By convincing Christian viewers that their Religion is not only threatened but that the “other side” are evil abortion seeking baby killers, these Americans are primed to latch onto someone wanting to seize power. These Christian voters are only opening themselves up to having other Religions inflicted and forced upon them, as they are doing right now to the Americans who do not share their Religion. 

The Argument

“But Trump did SO much good, he was the best President we have ever had!”

I hear it ALL of the time and it is exactly what they want you to believe and I understand why you do. Not only does he say it over and over but he did some genuinely great things all of which were designed for just that, to make you feel good. While I agree wholeheartedly with things like making Animal Abuse a Federal Crime, I am equally as horrified by the weakening of regulations around the slaughtering of animals and to protections of endangered species, that help corporate bottom lines and also make it easier for Jr to hunt Black Rhino.

We have to wonder why none of his Executive Orders or “Great Things!” have hurt Corporations or his Elite friends to in order to help us? Why the “Greatest” tax cut helped, Corporations and his Elite friends the most, while helping those needing it most, the least, and adding trillions to our deficit? He claims to have your best interests at heart while doing thing to help himself and his Elite Ruling Class friends. These feel-good policies are another way to emotionally manipulate his followers. When they are delivered with the Information Warfare “Firehose of Falsehoods” technique it ensures complete indoctrination from them. That you believed his lies shows your level of integrity, and his mastery of deception, not your stupidity. Don’t fall for it anymore.

Is Trumpism A Cult?

A cult requires a Messiah Figure with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Malignant Narcissism to inspire worship and feel worthy of being worshiped. Right-wing media has set the stage for such a Figure to seize power by using these now obvious tactics to claim a battle between “good and evil.” By targeting immigrants and empowering Authoritarian tendencies, they leave no place for tolerance for another party or belief system, another wholly anti-American way of thinking. Trump’s Personality Disorders automatically inspire a Cult following, the ritualistic chanting of his Rallies strengthens the natural disciple bond substantially .

Steve Bannon’s influence over these indoctrination tactics are apparent, not only because of the attack on “Western Liberalism,” but also in his obsession with Hindu devotion, which is evident in the “guru-disciple relationship” that has created such dedicated and loyal Devotees to Donald Trump. Viewers of these media sources have been consuming the hatred and fear-fueled propaganda, lies, and opinion show antics as facts for so many years were primed to become the unwaveringly loyal followers of a cult figure. Viewers who are deeply committed to the Christian faith have been specifically targeted to become victims of this brainwashing and indoctrination.

We know from history what followers of malignant narcissists are capable of and what they are willing to do if asked by their cult leader. We also know from history what a malignant narcissist will ask their followers to do, especially when threatened. We have to stop applying our mental and emotional capacity to people who are experiencing delusion either derived from propaganda programming, personality disorders, mental illness, or just prolonged denial. 

Trump’s loyal followers have turned into worshipers who are more than capable of destroying the Democratic Process to empower their leader. They are incapable of seeing that they are taking away their power, ultimately hurting themselves by doing so. Trump is more than capable of destroying the Democratic Process to retain his position, and he has intended to do so from the beginning of his Presidency. His desire to infect the entire country with this deadly virus proves that he doesn’t care about our well-being, especially his followers’. He will have no problem mobilizing Militias, not caring about the inevitable casualties that such a move would create. We cannot allow this to happen.

When 83% of Trump’s Voters believe the indoctrination narratives that Q-Anon leads people to believe, we have a large portion of our country that has been radicalized. These Americans believe that everyone who is not “for Trump” is genuinely evil, as in satanic pedophile baby killing and eating evil… It may seem outrageous to you and something that is not worth considering but take a moment to understand that people genuinely believe this and that their children are in danger from anyone not agreeing with them. In many cases, these are Heavily armed people who are radicalized in the same way, using the same stories used to indoctrinate Nazi sympathizers, with a leader who has the same personality disorder that Hitler did, all of which has very dangerous potential.

Causing Democracy to fail was Trump’s plan from the very beginning.

Trump began his Billionaire Presidency by declaring the Free Press the “enemy of the people” in February of 2017. According to Bill McRaven, a Navy Seal for 37 years, who is responsible for the capture of Saddam Hussein, and for taking out Osama Bin Laden, this statement was “the greatest threat to Democracy in his lifetime,” until now. He claimed from the beginning that he was under unfair attack by the free press, even though they have been protecting him. He proceeded to spew over 20,000 lies and countless exaggerated and boastful claims, repeating them over and over and over again, using the Russian “Firehose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model. He appealed to the Authoritarian voters that the Republican Party and Right-Wing Media have indoctrinated.

Of course this Billionaire President wants to stay in power. The minute he loses his position as President, Trump and his Cronies also lose protection from looming lawsuits and criminal accusations. The State charges that he cannot pardon his family, his cohorts, and himself for will all come crashing down on them if he is unable to pull this robbery off. The 26 sexual assault allegations, including the alleged rape of one of Epstein’s 13 year old girls, and a rape allegation complete with a DNA filled dress, could land our Billionaire President in a lot of trouble and even more humilitation. When you consider all of the other lawsuits, not to mention $900 million coming due to an unknown party, Trump and his coconspirators, (who are also facing the consequences of their actions at Trump’s command,) all have very compelling reasons to do everything in their power to overthrow the results of this very valid election.

Are the Mainstream Media and “Establishment Left” helping him?

All media focusing on the extremes has convinced Americans that the “other” side comprises either white supremacists on the right or anarchists on the left. As a result, the fringes are considered mainstream, and both “sides” are becoming radicalized. Both sides are tricked into defending indefensible behavior and actions that have allowed each side’s Representatives to get away with virtually anything while their constituents devolve into unchecked radicalization. This has helped Trump encourage Americans’ polarization and extreme radicalization when he embraces disinformation campaigns by our foreign adversaries and conspiracy theorists.

“President Trump’s attacks on the electoral process, especially through online disinformation, threatened democracy. The danger that disinformation presents to democracies was apparent before President Trump’s inauguration, but, during his time in office, disinformation from domestic sources, including the president, reached epidemic proportions. Falsehoods tarnished the democratic process from within, amplified foreign disinformation operations, and encouraged behavior that made the COVID-19 pandemic worse. President Trump’s firing of the CISA director for refuting the president’s attacks on the election captures how little credit the president will receive for the progress made on election cybersecurity.”

Council On Foreign Relations – “President Trump’s Legacy on Cyberspace Policy” – by David P. Fidler

Since the beginning of Trump’s candidacy, scholars, historians, and mental health professionals have been sounding the alarm. These professionals have been able to successfully predict his “unprecedented” and “unexpected” moves, pointing out that he shares the same personality disorder, and uses the same tactics that the cruelest and most destructive Cult Leaders and Autocratic Dictators have throughout history. Trump’s openness about his admiration of today’s most cruel and corrupt Dictators shows who he is emanating as a leader.

When a group of Mental Health Professionals appealed to the Democrat-controlled Congress, warning of the dangers of a mass casualty event, nothing was done by Democratic leaders before the Pandemic. These Politicians cited the Goldwater Rule to ignore their dire warnings, even after “The Duty To Warn” was clearly shown to trump it. How could an outdated and inappropriate “rule” stand in the way of preventing this Pandemic from being handled so terribly? All of the businesses, homes, livelihoods, and lives that would have been saved is truly devastating to consider. The Elite Ruling Class are the only ones who have benefitted from this. Who are these Democratic Politicians truly representing?

“When we formed the Duty To Warn Coalition, back BEFORE we began production on our film #UNFIT, we authored a petition to Congress asking them to enact the 25th Amendment, with 75K signatures, many from mental health professionals. We saw the futility, and said – let’s make a film”

Originally tweeted by Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn)

These same Mental Health Professionals have been almost entirely shut out of Mainstream Media, even the seemingly most “left-leaning” publications, who are all owned by the Corporate Elite. While the indoctrination machine on the right has been claiming unfair press and complaining about the constant attack waged against him, Trump was being protected and shielded. When Conspiracy Theories get way more coverage than these Mental Health Professionals, we have to wonder why. When Mueller was appointed, even Trump said: “This is the end of my Presidency. I’m f**ked; clearly, he underestimated the power of the Media’s ability to influence and create our collective beliefs and reality.

Trump has now run out of legal recourses and has replaced anyone who might stand in the way of a coup, including top Pentagon officials, with loyalists. He is surrounded by conspiracy theorists who are openly talking about jailing and killing his Political opponents and martial law to attempt to seize power. He is clearly planning a coup. Why is nothing being done about it? 

Why is Qanon still not being reported as a Domestic Terrorist Organization that is being mobilized by an anonymous group, routed through a channel under investigation for the crimes they accuse the Democrats of engaging in, using the same radicalization tactics used by the Nazi’s that originated in Russia? Why aren’t we informed that we are currently engaged in an Information War and that wars are fought using weaponized information, and we are under attack by Russia?

Trump’s inaction with the Pandemic is causing more people to die every day than died in 9/11, crippling our Healthcare System and economy. As one of the richest and most powerful countries globally, our response to this Global Public Health Emergency should have been the best, as we have historically been in the past. When countries with substantially fewer resources and capabilities are handling it exponentially better than we are, we have to ask, why is nothing being done?

Why was he allowed to violate and break so many Federal and Constitutional Laws without being impeached? The Hatch ActNepotism, Security Clearance, Emoluments Clauses, and Campaign Finance are just a few of the violations that should not have been tolerated. These are things NO President has ever done or should ever do. Why were these violations tolerated without any ramifications by those in charge, right, left, Republican and Democrat alike?

The chilling truth is that if Trump had even remotely managed or even taken responsibility for his mistakes in handling the Pandemic, Trump would have easily won this election and Democracy would be finished in America. When Biden, a lovely man, but not even in the top 10 of the strongest Democratic contenders, was shoved from behind to be the candidate to run against Trump, we have to wonder why. If we had not had assistance from Mother Nature inflicting this virus on us and if Trump’s ego coupled with his mental instability, had not caused him to mishandle it to such epic proportions, we would be at his mercy now.

Why are false claims made about the Economy being so good under Trump not ever corrected, even by the supposedly “left-biased” networks and publications? Why are we never informed that Trump borrowed to make the Economy look good? We are in such terrible trouble economically with the Pandemic because the deficit grew for the first time while the economy grew? We entered this crisis with the largest deficit we have ever had without a crisis, so Trump did to our economy precisely what he did to the businesses he bankrupted. If Trump had planned on defaulting on the debts by declaring Bankruptcy, as he does, he would either do so by selling the country to China or American and Russian Oligarchs; why is no one telling us about this?

The Democrats, who, unlike the Republicans, still need to earn votes, not just rely on lies, propaganda, disinformation, and voter suppression, like their Republican counterparts, have also grown very rich representing their Elite Donors and Corporate Lobbyists more than they have Average Voters much of the time. How truly against Democracy’s demise and our losing our Representation to the Elite Ruling Class are the Democrats, given how damaging, destructive and dangerous Trump has been and continues to be, with them doing next to nothing to stop him? 

“Once “The People” have no more power, the Corporate Billionaire Elites would no longer need to consider or protect our needs or desires at all anymore. They could do whatever they want to us, exploiting us to enrich themselves, even more than they do now. Trump has already destroyed and annihilated protections and regulations designed to further protect us from corporations who are empowering and enriching themselves. Since they wouldn’t need our votes, the right or the left, nothing would stop them from taking advantage of us, hurting us, poisoning us.

Why Now?

The right’s willingness to validate these baseless claims of fraud shows the GOP’s desire to take power away from “the people” and shows who “Republicans” are truly representing. They are doing this so that the power belongs entirely to the Corporate Billionaire Elite, including FoxNews Network Owners, like Rupert Murdoch and of course, Donald Trump, his family, and his cronies like Steve Bannon. What about the Corporate Elite that have funded the Democrats and own the other mainstream media sources?

Suppose the Elite Ruling Class is successful, either in sowing distrust in the Democratic Process or unseating a Duly Elected President for Trump to stay in power. In that case, this is the end of Democracy in America. Democracy’s demise would mean the end of representation of “The People,” all of the people, right and the left, and the complete empowerment of the Elite Ruling Class, all of it. Even though Trump supporters are convinced that if he retains power, they somehow do as well, it is just another lie to make them eager to hand over their right to representation and our Democracy.

The Ruling Class is threatened as never before. The unexpected effect of a Donald Trump presidency has been a whole lot of interest in Politics, with access to information in the palms of our hands, creating a considerably more informed constituency. Suddenly the cloak of monotonous boredom that had allowed the Elite Ruling Class to come to power was thrown aside to expose the true scope of the Corporate Elite’s influence.

Elections are so expensive; the Billionaire Elite didn’t dream that politics would ever be interesting enough to fund grassroots campaigns that could compete. When disenfranchised, energized, and educated Bernie Sanders voters went on to demand a shift in the Democratic Party that caused Elizabeth Warren to become a serious presidential contender, Bloomberg’s response showed just how terrified that possibility was to the Ruling Class. The response to an unprecedented number of genuine representatives like “The Squad” replacing the “Old Political Guard” shows just how much of a threat “the people” having representation, as our Founding Fathers intended, is to the Ruling Class.

The wealth gap has grown dangerously broad, and it requires drastic balancing to correct it. Those that have benefitted so handsomely from a system designed to enrich the rich and keep the poor beholden to them might finally have to pay their fair share. If we can come together and demand representation and protection for ourselves and future generations, there would be no stopping us.

It is time to unify and stand up to “the powers that be.”

The Elite Ruling Class is most afraid of our unification. They realize that without all of the fear-mongering, lies, and propaganda, we are all Americans, two sides of a whole, facing shared challenges while fulfilling shared goals and dreams. These extreme measures are motivated by how close we are without these tactics to convince us otherwise. The Ruling Class knows that they would be powerless if we were to come together and demand representation, which is precisely what we have to do. We are being manipulated to fight each other, which will give them the power to seize control, we must not fall for it.

We must look to our fellow Americans, those that we agree with least, and recognize that, whether we like it or not, we are in this together. We have to openly reject anything wrongfully framing each other as enemies because they have different ideas about how it is best to approach our shared challenges and accomplish our shared goals. Our diversity is our strength, so we must stand up to those demanding intolerance. Anyone using fear, propaganda, lies, and disinformation to manipulate our behavior is trying to steal our representation, we can no longer participate in it.

Power is intoxicating, and we are all being tested by it. We have to reject the temptation to get drunk on the false power of always being right and superior while being manipulated to give our true power away. We all have so much to learn from each other, and the best way to move forward is together, with respect and kindness. We are partners and teammates, not enemies.

Something has to be done; before it is too late.

A peer-reviewed panel of independent experts has confirmed the President’s incapacity level with a full standardized assessment. The President failed every criterion for mental capacity and looking at the DSM-5 criteria for NPD, his pathology is very clear. The same Mental Health Professionals who predicted every grim precedent Trump has set are issuing terrifying warnings about his final days. We must come together to demand action and reduce casualties and tragedy before it is too late. These professionals only need one person closely working with Trump to question his mental health professionals’ fitness to mobilize.

If it is possible to force fact-checking of right-wing media, I have faith we can demand an independent mental health check for a disturbed, sadistic, delusional, and dangerous Lame Duck Billionaire President too. If he and his cohorts successfully invalidate the Certified Electoral Votes that everyone from Mitch McConnel to the Supreme Court has acknowledged as valid, then “We The People” will have no more power. Contact your representatives, demand a mental health assessment right now. It is time for the 25th Amendment. We must also demand that anyone who participated in the attempted coup, including Democrats who sat idly by, are prosecuted and held fully accountable. We must preserve our Democracy and demand our Representation, preventing further damage to this great nation.

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200


  • Sazi

    They are all the same- Murdoch and Soros are one and the same… they are wanting to pit us against each other so that they can seize all of the power before we replace the old guard with Representatives that actually Represent us. If we keep fighting each other, defending the indefensible and making the fringes mainstream, we are handing it over to the Autocrats. Once the civil unrest settles, it is most important that the Oppressed Left needs to be sure they don’t become the Oppressors, inflicting their fringes upon the masses… They need to use their power to make life better for the rural Americans that have been so misunderstood and mistreated and start to shift the extreme wealth imbalance- Then the Right Wing and Ruling Class nonsense tactics won’t resonate so it won’t be very effective. I think they know this, they know this is their last shot and so they are willing to really push the envelope far…. it is such a mirror of what is happening on the spiritual plane right now too…

  • Kasey

    It all makes sense, but it is also all so confusing. I state that because each side is saying the exact same thing about. Each side says that we should fear the ruling elite. But which one, Murdoch or Soros?🤷

    Such a tangled web have been woven, it is going a Herculean effort to set us all free. I think it’s possible, if we first all choose to lead with love.

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