
Seven Lessons From 2020, Courtesy of The Divine Feminine

2020 was such a treasure trove of lessons for us to take into the new year and beyond. Mother Nature, The Great Mother, and The Divine Feminine (with the Divine Masculine assisting) are here now, and there is no going back. The old Patriarchal Paradigm is being laid to rest, and the death throes of those trying to hold onto it are intense. This is clearly a beautiful transition for those of us who went through our ego deaths before this collective experience.

I remember how hard the transition was for me initially; even though I believed wholeheartedly that I had rejected the Patriarchal Paradigm and my ego long before, I eventually realized that I had done the opposite. The Patriarchy has mastered projection and disguise, having long staked a claim to all forms of spirituality, shaping the narrative to make it divisive, egocentric, and at its mercy.

Egos, Our Personal Patriarchs

The Patriarchal System is so omnipresent that modern spiritual movements, even many of the “Divine Feminine”/ “Goddess” based ones, have fallen under Patriarchal influence. By renaming the Patriarchal elements with feminine or genderless names and replacing the symbols and terminology, I was convinced that I was mastering and strengthening the Divine Feminine when I was actually strengthening the feminine side of my own Personal Patriarch, my Ego!

The “Law of Attraction” fits the fundamental Patriarchal truths: that our individual desires and needs are most important (creating narcissistic tendencies), that we should only focus on what we want (which allows injustices to happen unchecked and “alternative facts and realities” to flourish), that we need to isolate from those “vibrating below” us (creating the illusion of a hierarchy and superiority), and that we will be rewarded for good behavior (if we believe we are in control then we can be controlled). The whole concept of manifesting an “Ageless Body and Timeless Mind” by our “good behavior” is exactly what the Patriarchy wants.

I bought into this form of spirituality fully, so as a result, my Ego Death was extremely intense because my Patriarchal Ego was S.T.R.O.N.G! I fought so hard trying to get “back” to how things were before and to return to “normal.” I was only causing my condition to progress and missing so many gifts while trying desperately to hide the reality of what was happening. I can see so many people going through the same things now. I can also see those who have been convinced that they are working with the Divine Feminine when it is really just their Egos fighting like hell to maintain control.

Just as the Patriarchy is hijacking our spiritual practices and beliefs now, our ancestors were the victims of the Patriarchy robbing and suppressing the Old Wisdom and Ways. Ancient Earth and Moon Celebrations and Calendars were all replaced. Those who dared share their Ancestral Wisdom were shunned or burned at the stake. The Patriarchy robbed indigenous people’s children while outlawing their wisdom, language, and ways.  Conquistadors, power-hungry Priests, and in Russia, Patriarchs inflicting their ways upon us. It is no wonder we struggle when it comes time to shift into the flow of the Feminine. It is no wonder the embodiment of the toxic patriarch thinks they can bully us into submission, and it is no wonder that we respond… it is terrorized into our very beings.

Going into 2021, I am releasing that hold; wherever it still exists, I am letting it go.

These are seven things I am going to embrace moving into 2021, the gifts that 2020 gave us courtesy Mother Nature, The Great Mother, The Divine Feminine. I wish I would have understood and practiced these things when I went through my ego death and freedom birth. They have helped me get through all of life’s unexpected changes since, including 2020’s doozies. I hope they help you too!

1. Plans have been replaced by Presence — 

Be Present. Go with the flow. Transformations are births… they arrive on the moment… each moment, again and again. The Divine Feminine is the portal between the worlds, and to navigate that energy is to flow from one moment into the next and birth your experiences by meeting each moment entirely present

2. Expectations are replaced by Intentions — 

Expectations create doubt, fear, dissatisfaction, and distraction. Setting clear, informed, empowered intentions to meet each moment with complete presence ready to shift and “go with the flow without any attachment creates magic.

3. Stillness has been replaced by Movement-

From Meditation to E-motions, permit yourself to MOVE. One of my most powerful spiritual teachers explained that the Divine Masculine is understandable, chartable, and graspable… He said that it is easy to draw a picture of the Divine Masculine… Whereas the Divine Feminine is not graspable, drawable, or explainable…. it is powerful, beautiful, incredible divine magical chaos that -you could not show what it looks like — it is like birth or death… it comes on the moment…on movement each moment, again and again.

4.. Duality has been replaced by Spectrums-

Good/Bad- Negative/Positive- Masculine/Feminine- Fear/Excitement- Anger/Focus- Anxiety/Flow- Frustration/Gratitude — sadness/happiness — everything is a spectrum the same energy different intensity offering empowerment tools for us to use

5. “The One” is replaced by the collective ONE-

The Patriarchy is so intimidated by this… It used to be all about The One- the God- the President- the Boss- the Father- The Higher Self- the Ego-Creating a hierarchy internally and externally, isolating ourselves from anyone or anything vibrating or operating “below us” keeps us divided, and feeling superior, which means they can be superior to us. NOW that no longer works, we can no longer deny that we collectively are ONE and WHOA it is powerful- it is about empowerment, not intimidation — empowering all of yourself and each other, not just the “good” or “positive” understanding the tools that our shadow offers and our interconnection. We are only as strong as our weakest link.

6. Positivity is replaced by Vulnerability-

The clarity of vision that 2020 gave us is a superpower that will take courage to use. We are so conditioned only to see or say What We Want, allowing the Patriarchy to operate in the dark and do whatever they want, unchecked. Now that the veil has been lifted and clear vision has been gifted about ourselves and beyond, we must use it to be vulnerable which empowers us to face it head-on. When your vulnerability is met with rejection, be grateful for the gift of redirection and seize the very next opportunity to be vulnerable again.

***Beware of the Toxic Patriarchy in its desperation, using projection to mislead you to look away from the truth and define IT and your EGO as the Divine Feminine. If it is divisive, hierarchal, full of duality and fear, it is the Patriarchal Ego Whisperers, convincing your Ego to follow, walk away instead.

7. The Individual has been replaced by the Collective-

We are so interconnected, and the Pandemic was Mother Nature’s gift to show us this. For those living under the toxic Patriarchy, our inevitable unification and empowerment because of the virus is a serious threat to the powers that be. They are doing everything they can to prevent our unification, but they can only postpone it. Whether to prevent tragedy in the first place or prevent further tragedy as it washes through us, we must come together to succeed. This threatens the Patriarchy that needs our division to take advantage of us and maintain power over us.

If we were to come together to protect and take care of the weakest among us (as many of the countries with female leaders were able to right away), recognizing our interconnectedness, we would be so powerful and realize how much of the Patriarchal Hierarchy doesn’t serve us and is, in fact, an illusion. This is why they have worked so hard to prevent us from coming together around it and framed behaviors like wearing a mask, which is such a simple and beautiful unifying action, as being so awful. Even forced distance is a gift from Mother Nature, showing us how to connect from afar, which is such an amazing superpower that I have used for so long. It has given me movement and strength when mine should be gone. I am so grateful and in awe of the beauty and power of interconnection.

Complete Connection

Our connection is SO powerful but especially now, it is intense because we are all so connected that if one person, being, light, or soul is hurting… then we are too. It is a great motivation to be part of the solution as so much of our home and its inhabitants need us to come together and take care of her and each other… the sooner we learn this lesson, the sooner we will succeed. I promise this new Paradigm, This Ascension, This next is sooooooo fabulous. The SuperPowers, the magic, the incredible possibilities hanging in the atmosphere are all SO available and powerful .

 I am so excited to see how enhanced it all becomes as people start to align over the next few years. As we awaken to the alignment and the unification that has always been there supporting us, the resulting collective ascension will be beautiful. 2020 gave us the clarity of vision to see the Truth, moving forward we must come together and use it to empower each other, to care for each other, and to build a future that protects and cares for our home and all of its inhabitants with the same passion and care that we have cared for and protected ourselves. These simple acts of loving, selfless kindness are the way through.

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200

One Comment

  • Kasey

    Wow! These are all so very insightful. But I have to confess, some aspects of this Divine feminine are very scary.
    1)Full presence, with birth and death moment to moment: kinda scary
    2)When your vulnerability is met with rejection, be grateful for the gift of redirection and seize the very next opportunity to be vulnerable again: very scary
    3) what if you LOVE stillness? (movement very cool too)

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