
What 2020 Hindsight Can Teach Us About 2020’s Confusion

With so much disinformation and different interpretations of reality, it is hard to know what to believe. To come together, we must find common ground and shared truth. This moment and these challenges are a gift to truly reset, do things differently, and usher in a new era. It’s clear that if we are to rise and meet these challenges, we must unify and do things differently. While our institutions and relationships must be repaired and stabilized, our entire mode of operation, priorities, and representation must shift drastically to succeed. With so much disinformation and different interpretations of reality, it is hard to know what to believe. Fortunately, we have history to look to, to give us guidance for what to do now and shared reality. Hindsite is 2020, and this year shows us just how valuable it is to look back and learn. Here are a few things we can learn from history in 2020:

  • Socialism and Communism have always failed. “Communism” and “Socialism,” as FoxNews and friends reference them, using countries like Venezuela, Cuba, or the former Soviet Union as examples, are actually Autocracy/Dictatorships. 
  • Revolutions that started out calling for equality, better healthcare, and education devolved into Communist Dictatorships because they had Autocrats that hijacked the cause and were only interested in staying in power while utterly intolerant of any ideas outside of their own, not because of the demands for a better life. 
  • Policies inspired by Social Democracy from places like Norway do not lead to Communist/Socialism like Cuba and Venezuela. All of these places that the right is claiming the Democrats are leading us to must first have a leader that is intolerant of any other ideas or criticism, with a willingness to kill mass amounts of their own people.
  • The propaganda used to try and convince us that Democrats are Communists and community equals Communism is from the 1950s McCarthyism Blacklisting Era. – It is an awful part of our history; let’s not repeat it.
  • Enforcing restrictions to protect the healthcare system and public health is not leading to Communism. – Detaining and jailing people without due process is.
  • Honoring elections’ results and assisting the peaceful transition of power does not lead to Communism- What Trump and his cronies are doing by overthrowing the people’s will and undermining faith in Democracy does.
  • Diversity, freedom of religion, and the separation of church and state do not lead to Communism- The insistence that a leader is always right and his beliefs and ways are the only way, without exception, does.
  • Following experts’ advice to enact protections, regulations, and policies that protect the people and the planet and hurt corporations and the wealthy do not lead to Communism. – Dismissing, discounting, villainizing, and punishing experts and intellectuals so the ruling class can continue enriching themselves to the detriment of regular people does.
  • Giving people control over their bodies and what happens to them does not lead to Communism. – Legislating and criminalizing medical procedures with the Government controlling family planning does. 
  • Taxing the rich does not lead to Communism or a failed economy- The tax proposals that the demonized progressive Democrats are proposing are the same ones that were used in the 1950s. They are the tax rates that set us up to have a middle class and a real shot at the “American Dream.”
  • The expansion of social programs, like Medicare, is not leading to Communism.- A system where people working multiple jobs need to rely upon Government Assistance to survive does.
  • Having a free press that has access to all aspects of the Government does not lead to Communism. – Calling the press the “Enemy of the People” and being completely intolerant of anything critical or not agreeing with “The Leader” does.
  • Suffrage (much like #metoo), calling for women’s voices to be heard equally, gender fluidity and sexual non-conforming of the Roaring ’20s (much like now) led to the Patriarchy feeling threatened to the point of extreme control in the form of fascism. This same pattern is happening again all over the world. Let’s not repeat it.
  • The 2020 Pandemic has followed the trajectory of the 1918 Pandemic because we are repeating the resistance to wearing masks and adjusting our behavior. If we want to know how to navigate this Pandemic successfully, our ancestors have the answers. 
  • “New Deals” do not lead to Communism. They are as American as apple pie. FDR’s New Deal built our infrastructure and societal foundations that so desperately need rescuing now. – The Elite Ruling Class will lose so much if we put our planet and each other above them and the industries that poison us and line their pockets, keeping the war machine churning. That is why they are working so hard to convince you a New Deal is so bad.
  • The Nazis used the “Protocols Of The Elders of Zion,” coupled with the even older “Blood Libel,” to frame Jewish People as part of an evil Satanic Cabal of Globalist Elites tortured children and babies to harvest and ingest their blood. Sound Familiar? This evil could only be stopped by the “Nationalists” and their “Agent of Good,” aka Hitler, who they understood needed to “pause” Democracy to conquer the “evil Globalist Cabal.”- Qanon delivers this same narrative on an Alternate Game Reality Platform, with the power of a media campaign and the indoctrination and recruiting techniques of a full-blown cult, complete with a SuperPAC supporting it. Q substitutes the Jewish Cabal with a Democrat/Liberal one, and Hitler for Trump as the “agent of good” who needs to pause Democracy, complete with Right-wing extremists as his “Nationalists,” to make sure it happens. Definitely not something we want to repeat or dismiss.

When FoxNews is the most-watched television network, and only 17% of Trump voters do not dismiss Qanon’s claim that evil, in the form of Democrats and Liberals, must be eliminated, we must look closely at the sources of our information and what their actual intentions are. We can all agree that the media is Corporate and Elite owned; they benefit from our division and the support of policies and politicians that serve them.

All of the Networks are biased and often reporting only the portion of the News that will fit their narrative and prevent us from seeing anything of value on the “other side.” This does not mean that what they report are lies. They are reporting valid, verifiable information with a bias. True Journalists and News Programs will often downplay or exclude information, but they are not boldfaced lying.

Which brings us to Fox “News” and opinion show hosts that do bold-faced lie and report unverified and disinformation. FoxNews is the master of this division, and biased information, with Opinion Show Anchors, that are all Millionaires paid by Billionaires to manipulate Americans to vote against their interests. These efforts from the Ruling Class, combined with the weaponized information from our foreign enemies that is inundating us on our computers intending to sow division, hatred, chaos, and glorify Trump, make it clear that we must figure out the truth on our own.

It is important to see what both “sides” are reporting, and insightful to look at global opinions to see what is being reported about America, and how shared challenges are being handled all over the world. Instead of the Fox or Qanon interpretation of peoples statements, we have to start listening to what is coming directly out of their mouths It is time we start thinking for ourselves and use hindsight’s 2020 vision to do things differently this time around, where history is repeating itself.

We must come together to demand representation, and protection for our shared home and for all of us, whose hard work keeps this country alive. Don’t let those who benefit from our division convince you that your fellow Americans are your enemy because they are different, with different ideas and ways of approaching things. Please remember that we face the same challenges and fears, and we share the same dreams and aspirations. Our different experiences, education, and knowledge that shape our ideas make us such a powerful nation. This diversity is what makes America Great. Our unity is what makes us strong. Do not let any elite billionaire or corporate interest take that away from us. Not now, not ever.

Sazi is fiercely guided by her passions as she discovers ways to thrive, when all of the expectations are for her to succumb to ALS. She is a storyteller that is happiest when helping others and as her ability to move fades away, her desire to be able to continue contributing intensifies. She hopes that her unique insight and perspective can help everyone connect with their "Mojo", break free from expectations and live their best lives! Follow her adventures with #BikerDogGüber, Service Dog Extraordinaire, as they explore little known places on their Custom Motorcycle. LMT - Life Coach - RYT200


  • Kasey

    Well Put!
    If nothing, I wish those who support Trump or the Right or Q or just simply that side, would entertain the idea that, as u point out, all media is biased. And if there is “faulty” information on both the left and the right, let us come together in the middle, to figure out the closest truth. And let that closest truth be our guide.

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